
"Research Achievements"
last updated : 2025/1/21
Doctoral Thesis
"Atomistic Study on Strength and Diffusion Properties of Grain Boundary" (1996.12,Osaka univ.)
Master's Thesis
Study on Interaction between Grain Boundary and Lattice Defects (1994.2, Osaka univ.)
Graduation Thesis
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Microscopic Deformation Behavior of Grain Boundary (1992.2, Osaka univ.)

Publications (book)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Discovering Properties of Polymer and Composite Materials by Atomistic and Theoretical Analysis", Japan Plastics(The Japan Plastics Industry Federation) July 2019, (2019), pp.32-36. site
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Prediction of Properties of New Functional Materials by Atomistic and Theoretical Simulations", MDB Technology Forecast Resport, (2018, Jan), JMA Research Institute, Inc. site
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Keisuke Kubota and Noboru Shinke, "Characteristic Deformation and Structural Changes of Ni-Ti alloys by Molecular Dynamics; Phase Transformation and Amorphization", in "Shape Memory Alloys: Manufacture, Properties and Applications" (ed. H.R.Chen), (2010), pp.231-246, Nova Science Publishers. [ISBN: 978-1-60741-789-7]
  • The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity(JSTP) eds., "Drawing---Drawing Technologies for Bar, Wire and Tube", (Chap.2, and Representative of edit of the book) (2017, May), Corona Publishing Co, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. [ISBN-13:978-4-339-04372-3] [ISBN-13:978-4-339-04372-3]
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Daisuke Sakimoto, "7. Structural Analysis of Cellulose Nanofibers by Molecular Dynamics Method", in "Cellulose Nanofiber No Mae-syori, Bunsan-Gijyutsu To Ouyou-Jirei-Syu (Chapter 6, Cellulose Nanofiber No Tokusei-Hyouka, Fukugo-Zairyo No Kouzou Kaiseki)" (Chapter in a monograph, total 535 pages), (2015), pp.412-419, Gijyutsu-Jyohou-Kyokai. (press date: 2015/1/30). [ISBN-10: 4861045665][ISBN-13: 978-4861045660]
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Syunichiro Matsuo, "2. Analysis of Molecular Structure and Strength for Cellulose Nanofibers", in "Cellulose Nanofiber No Sakusei, Jyushi-Bunsan-Gijyutsu To Ouyou-Tenkai (Chapter 4, Cellulose Nanofiber No Kouzou-Kaiseki To Bunsantai No Hyouka-Kaiseki)" (Chapter in a monograph), (2012), Gijyutsu-Jyohou-Kyokai. pp.183-193. [ISBN: 978-4-86104-429-8]
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Keisuke Kubota and Noboru Shinke, "Characteristic Deformation and Structural Changes of Ni-Ti alloys by Molecular Dynamics; Phase Transformation and Amorphization", in "Shape Memory Alloys: Manufacture, Properties and Applications" (ed. H.R.Chen), (2010), pp.231-246, Nova Science Publishers. [ISBN: 978-1-60741-789-7]

Publications (peer-reviewed paper)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Shin'ichiro Mibu, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Change of microstructure and mechanical state in nano-sized wiredrawing: Molecular dynamics simulation of pure magnesium", Euro.J.Mech.Solids, (2025), (submitted).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Haruka Koga, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma, and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular dynamics analysis of hydrogen diffusion behavior in alpha-Fe bi-crystal under bending deformation", Appl. Mech., Vol.2024, No.5, (2024), pp.731-744. []
  • K.Saitoh, K.Nishimura, J.Moriguchi, K.Tada, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Dislocations in Silicon Carbide (SiC) Crystal by Newly Developed Machine-Learning Potential", Springer Proceedings in Physics (CCP2023 - 34th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics), (2024), accepted.
  • K.Nishimura, K.Saitoh, "Temperature dependence of mechanical properties and defect formation mechanisms in 3C-SiC: A molecular dynamics study", Computational Materials Science, Vol.227, (2023), pp.112281. []
  • Y.Izumi, K.Saitoh, T.Sato, M.Takuma and Y.Takahashi, Shear Deterioration of the Hierarchical Structure of Cellulose Microfibrils under Water Condition: All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Analysis", Appl.Mech., Vol.4 (2023), pp.230-247. []
  • K.Saitoh, Y.Takai, T.Sato, M.Takuma, and Y.Takahashi, "Optimization of LIB Electrolyte and Exploration of Novel Compounds via the Molecular Dynamics Method" i, Batteries, Vol.8, No.27 (2022), 8030027. []
  • K.Saitoh and N.Hanashiro, "Particle modeling based on Interatomic potential and crystal structure: a multi-scale simulation of elastic-plastic deformation of metallic material", World J. Nano-Sci. Eng., Vol.11 (2021), pp.45-68. []
  • K.Saitoh, T.Sato, M.Takuma and Y.Takahashi, "Molecular dynamics study of collagen fibrils: relation between mechanical properties and molecular chirality", J. Biomater. Nanobiotech., Vol.11 (2020), pp.260-278. []
  • Kentaro Takada, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Transmission Mechanism of Torsional Deformation in Cellulose Nanofibers with Hierarchical Structure", Soft Nano Science Letters, Vol.9 (2019), pp.45-57. []
  • K.Saitoh, K.Oda, K.Yoshida, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Atomistic Simulation of Heavily Plastic Deformation of Pearlitic Steel: Nano-sized Processes of Wiredrawing and Indentation", IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.461,(2019), 012074, pp.1-6. [">]
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kohei Kuramitsu, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Deformation Mechanism of Grain Boundaries in Magnesium Crystal: Based on Coincidence Site Lattice Theory", Journal of Materials, Vol.2018, (2018), pp.4153464(Article ID),1-10. []
  • K.Saitoh, K.Yoshida, K.Oda, T.Sato, M.Takuma and Y.Takahashi, "Molecular dynamics study on nano-sized wiredrawing: possible atomistic process and application to pearlitic steel wire", IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.307,(2018),012039,pp.1-6. []
  • Takuya Hanashiro, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, Kenji Nishimura, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Ductile Behavior of SiC during Nanoindentation", Tribology Online, Vol.11, No.2, (2016-4), pp.183-188. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Ryuketsu Chin, "Molecular dynamics study on lubrication mechanism in crystalline structure between copper and sulfur" Journal of Materials, Vol.2015, (2015), pp.963257,1-13. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Youhei Sameshima, Syuhei Daira, "Nano-scale modelling and simulation of metal wiredrawing by using molecular dynamics method", World Journal of Nano Science and Engineering, (2014), Vol.4, pp.70-83. []
  • K.Saitoh, Y.Sameshima, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, "Atomistic Simulation of Crystal Change and Carbon Diffusion during Drawing of Pearlitic Steel Nano-sized Wire", Techniche Mechanik, Vol.34, No.3-4, (2014), pp.222-232. [] [TOC], [journal]
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Haruhiko Ohno and Syunichiro Matsuo, Structure and Mechanical Behavior of Cellulose Nanofiber and Micro-Fibrils by Molecular Dynamics Simulation", Soft Nanoscience Letters, Vol.3, (2013), pp.58-67. []
  • Tomohiro Sato, Yoshimasa Hirai, Takeshisa Fukui, Takahiro Ejima, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Atomic-modeling and Simulation of Copper Sulfide as Micro Solid Lubricant", MRS proceedings, Vol.1513, (2013), (2012 MRS Fall Meeting, 2012). []
  • Tatsuya Yamaguchi and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Mechanical Properties in the Structure of Self-Assembled Quantum Dot", World Journal of Nano Science and Engineering, Vol.2, No.4 (2012), pp.189-195. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Takeshi Dan, "The Method of Microscopic Strain Analysis Based on Evolution of Atomic Configuration for the Simulation of Nanostructured Materials" Journal of Society of Materials Science, Japan, Vol.61, No.2, (2012-2), p.162-168. [] [JST.JSTAGE/jsms/61.162]
  • Takeshi Dan and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Microstructure Evolution in Polycrystalline Metal under Severe Plastic Deformation by Strain-Controlled Molecular Dynamics", Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering (JSMME), Vol.6, No.1, (2012-1), pp.48-60. [] [JST.JSTAGE/jmmp/6.48]
  • Takanobu Matsuki and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Phase Transformation of Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy Investigated by Multi-phase-field Method and Microscopic Data", Transactions of JSME,Ser.A, Vol.77, No.780, (2011), pp.1320-1330. [] [JST.JSTAGE/kikaia/77.1320]
  • Yoshiaki Yonekawa and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Deformation Mechanism and Mechanical Properties in Au Cluster", J.Soc.Mat.Sci.Japan, Vol.59, No.8, (2010), pp.624-630. (in Japanese) [] [JST.JSTAGE/jsms/59.624]
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Keisuke Kubota, "Atomistic Simulation on the Relation between Amorphization and Crystalline Transformation in Ni-Ti Alloy", Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.4, No.7, (2010), pp.1061-1070. [] [JST.JSTAGE/jmmp/4.1061]
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Keisuke Kubota and Tomohiro Sato, "Atomic-level Structural Change in Ni-Ti Alloys under Martensite and Amorphous Transformations", Technische Mechanik, Vol.30, No.1-3, (2010), pp.269-279. [] [TOC], [journal]
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Yoshiaki Yonekawa, "Molecular Dynamics Study of Extraordinary Elastic Deformation Found in Gold Atomic Cluster", Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, Vol.4, No.1, (2010), pp.405-415. [] [JST.JSTAGE/jamdsm/4.405]
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Wing Kam Liu, "Molecular dynamics study of surface effect on martensitic cubic-to-tetragonal transformation in Ni-Al alloy", Computational Materials Science, Vol.46, (2009), pp.531-544. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Yuuki Ohnishi, "SPH analysis of ECAP process by using grain refinement model", Materials Transactions, Vol.50, No.1, (2009), pp.19-26. [] []
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Noboru Shinke, "Atomistic modelling of Ni-Ti alloy on reversible phase transformations: A molecular dynamics study", Materials Science and Engineering,A, Vol.481-482, (2008), pp.250-253. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, Syuichi Nagase, and Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular dynamics study on morphology and mechanical properties of atomic-cluster-assembled structure", J.Soc.Mat.Sci.Japan, Vol.55, No.8, (2006), pp.746-753. (in Japanese). [] [JST.JSTAGE/jsms/55.746]
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study on microscopic mechanism for phase transformation of Ni-Ti alloy", Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.14, No.5 (2006), pp.S39-S46. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, and Noboru Shinke, "Atomic dynamics and energetics of martensitic transformation in nickel-titanium shape memory alloy", Materials Transactions, Vol.47, No.3, (2006), pp.742-749. [ ]
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study on microscopic mechanism for stress-induced phase transformation of Ni-Ti -lloy", Transactions of JSME,Ser.A, Vol.72, No.714, (2006), pp.232-238. (in Japanese) [ ]
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Observation of phase transformation and structural analysis for Ni-Ti alloy by molecular dynamics simulation", J.Soc.Mat.Sci.Japan, Vol.54, No.2, (2005), pp.193-200. (in Japanese) []
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takuya Uehara and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study on nano structure and shape-memory property of Ni-Ti alloy", Trans.Mat.Res.Soc.J, Vol.29, No.8, (2004), pp.3615-3618. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Hisashi Namba, Takehiko Inaba and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study of nano-size silica melting by high heat flux", Computational Materials Science, Vol.32, No.1, (2005), pp.66-84. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular dynamics study on interface generated between atomic clusters", J.Mech.Eng.Sci:Proc.Instn Mech.Engrs, Part C, Vol.218, (2004), pp.607-614. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Syuichi Nagase, Hiroshi Kitagawa and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study on morphology and strength of copper atomic-cluster-assembled structure", Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, Vol.115, IUTAM symposium on Mesoscopic Dynamics in Fracture Process and Materials Strength (Kluwer Academic Publishers), (2004), pp.343-353. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Computational study on mechanical properties of atomic-cluster-assembled structure, (1st report) Lattice defects generated between atomic clusters", Transactions of JSME,Ser.A, Vol.70, No.690, (2004), pp.183-190. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masao Komaya and Takehiko Inaba, "Multi-resolution molecular dynamics method for coalescence process of metallic atom clusters", Transactions of JSME,Ser.A, Vol.68, No.666, (2002), pp.210-216. (in Japanese) []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Takehiko Inaba, "Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics study of heat transfer on metal surface by flowing liquids", not yet published.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular dynamics analysis of metal nano-cluster in coalescence process", J.Soc.Mat.Sci.Japan, Vol.49, No.3, (2000), pp.263-268. (in Japanese) []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Hiroshi Kitagawa, "Molecular dynamics study of surface effects on atomic migration near aluminum grain boundary", Computational Materials Science, Vol.14, No.1-4, (1999), pp.13-18. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Hiroshi Kitagawa, "Atomic migration and dynamic rearrangement near Al grain boundary", Advances in Materials Research, Vol.1 (1998),pp.132-142. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Akihiro Nakatani and Shigenobu Ogata, "Molecular dynamics study on strength of coincidence grain boundaries", J.Soc.Mat.Sci.Japan, Vol.46, No.3, (1997), pp.238-243. (in Japanese) []
  • Hiroshi Kitagawa, Akihiro Nakatani, Shigenobu Ogata, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Yukihiro Maegawa, "Atomic diffusion near Al grain boundary (Molecular dynamics analysis based on effective-medium theory)", JSME International Jounral, Ser.A, Vol.40, No.3, (1997), pp.203-210. (original in japanese: Transactions of JSME,Ser.A, Vol.62, No.602, (1996), pp.2358-2363.) []
  • Hiroshi Kitagawa, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Shigenobu Ogata, "Molecular dynamics study on stress-induced migration near aluminum grain boundary", Modelling and Simulation for Materials Design (ed. by S.Nishijima and H.Onodera), (1996), pp.184-190. []
  • Hiroshi Kitagawa, Akihiro Nakatani, Shigenobu Ogata, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Yukihiro Maegawa, "Molecular dynamics study of stress-induced migration near Al grain boundary", Transactions of JSME,Ser.A, Vol.62, No.595, (1996), pp.853-858. (in Japanese) []

Papers on International Symposium
  • Naoki Maekawa and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Finite element simulation of ultra-fine stainless steel wires:Multiscale analysis using crystal plasticity", Proc. the 10th International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management - ICETM 2024, (2024), online, pp.44-50. []
  • K.Saitoh, M.Watanabe, (invited talk) "Unique mechanism in strength and deformation of natural nano-sized fibers", The 30th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences(ICCES2024), (2024/8/3-6, Singapore(presented by K.S. at 8/4))
  • K.Saitoh, S.Mibu, "Change of microstructure and mechanical state in nano-sized wiredrawing: Molecular dynamics simulation of pure magnesium", 8th International Conference on Material Modelling(ICMM8), (2024/7/15-17, London, U.K. presented at 2024/7/16).
  • K.Saitoh, K.Nishimura, J.Moriguchi and K.Tada, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Dislocations in Silicon Carbide (SiC) Crystal by Newly Developed Machine-Learning Potential", 34th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP2023), (2023/8/4-8 Kobe(presented by K.S.), Hyogo, Japan.)
  • S.Miyake, K.Saitoh, T.Sato, M.Takuma and Y.Takahashi, "All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Study on Deformation and Fracture of Cellulose Microfibrils: Effect of Water Environment and Fibril Size", 34th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP2023), (2023/8/4-8 Kobe(presented by S.M.), Hyogo, Japan.)
  • S.Mibu, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Computational Analysis of Crystalline Defects in Magnesium Single- and Poly-crystals during Wiredrawing", 34th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP2023), (2023/8/4-8 Kobe(presented by S.M.), Hyogo, Japan.)
  • K.Nishimura and K.Saitoh, "Machine-Learning Interatomic Potential for Silicon Carbide: A Molecular Dynamics Study of Mechanical Properties", MRS 2023 Spring Meeting&Exhibit, (2023), pp.MD02.07.16. (2023/4/10-14(presented at 4/13 by K.N.), San Francisco, U.S.A.)
  • R.Sato, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T. Sato, "Deformation and fracture of flexible laminated structure in the forming process: finite element analysis", Proceedings of JSME International Conference on Materials and Processing 2022, pp.1-10. (2022/11/6-10, Okinawa, Japan.(presented at 11/9 by R.Sato))
  • K.Saitoh, Y.Izumi, S.Miyake, "Shear deformation and friction behavior in the hierarchical structure of cellulose microfibrils and water: a molecular dynamics study", 2022 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment, (2022), pp.C3-2-03. (2022/8/28-31(presented at 8/31), Nagoya Univ., Nagoya,Japan) [MIPE Award 2022(excellent paper) Awarded]
  • K.Saitoh and S.Mibu, "Atomistic Simulation of Nano-scale Drawing of Metallic Wires: Comparison on Plasticity Process between Fe and Mg Materials", 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-XV) 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM-VIII), Abstract No.2270., Book of Abstract, pp.1596. (2022/7/31-8/5, on-line(web,virtual)).
  • J.Moriguchi, K.Saitoh, K.Nishimura, T.Sato, M.Takuma and Y.Takahashi, "Constructing Machine-learned Interatomic Potentials for Covalent Bonding Materials and MD Analyses of Dislocation and Surface", 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-XV) 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM-VIII), Abstract No.1968., Book of Abstract, pp.2069. (2022/7/31-8/5, on-line(web,virtual)).
  • T.Saito, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "FEM Analysis on Multi-pass Wiredrawing process of Ultra-fine Steel Wire: Investigation on Stress, Strain and Hardness", The 13th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity (ICTP2021), (2021), (Poster Session, abstract pp.20). (2021/7/25-30(presented at 7/26), on-line(web,virtual)).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Ryosuke Suzuki, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Atomistic Simulation for Mechanical Property of Collagen Nanostructures: The Effect of Molecular Crosslink and Triple Helix on Mechanical Properties", Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM) 2019, (2019), O478, (2019/12/17-21(the day 12/17), Taipei, Taiwan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Atsuto Kubota, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masayoshi Fuji, Chika Takai, Hadi Razavi-Khosroshahi, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular Dynamics Modelling of Non-firing Solids on SiO2 Interfaces", Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM) 2019, (2019), O594, (2019/12/17-21(the day 12/18), Taipei, Taiwan).
  • Koki Yoshida, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular dynamics study on dislocation behaviour of alpha-Fe single crystal in wiredrawing process", 13th International Conference on the Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (ICM13), (2019), abstract. (2019/6/10-14, Melbourne, Australia) [Best Student Paper Award (The First Prize)2019/6/12]
  • Kosuke Oda, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Atomistic study on plastic deformation of pearlite: wiredrawing and nano-indentation models by MD", 13th International Conference on the Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (ICM13), (2019), abstract. (2019/6/10-14, Melbourne, Australia)
  • K.Saitoh, T.Sato, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, "Elastic-Plastic and Fracture Behaviour of Glass Materials in Indentation Process: Peridynamics Simulation Study based on Molecular Dynamics", 13th International Conference on the Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (ICM13), (2019), abstract. (2019/6/10-14, Melbourne, Australia)
  • K.Saitoh, K.Oda, K.Yoshida, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, T.Sato, "Atomistic Simulation of Heavily Plastic Deformation of Pearlitic Steel: Nano-sized Processes of Wiredrawing and Indentation", 5th International Conference on Recent Trends in Structural Materials (COMAT2018), abstract, pp.59. (2018/11/14-16, Pilsen, Czech Rep.) [Winner of Best Poster Contest of conference COMAT 2018 (The Best Poster)2018/11/14]
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masayoshi Fuji, Chika Yamashita Takai, Hadi Razavi, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Modelling and analysis of SiO2 interfaces of non-firing solids", The 9th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM2018), abstract, pp.P2-82. (2018/10/28-11/2, Osaka, Japan.presented at 10/31)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Haruka Koga, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular dynamics analysis of hydrogen diffusion behavior in $\alpha$-Fe bi-crystal under stress gradient", The 9th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM2018), abstract, pp.P1-27. (2018/10/28-11/2, Osaka, Japan. presented at 10/29)
  • Kenji Nishimura, Koji Miyake, and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Atomistic insights into defect formation mechanism in single crystal SiC based on molecular dynamics simulation", The 9th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM2018), abstract, pp.P2-79. (2018/10/28-11/2, Osaka, Japan.presented at 10/31)
  • Kentaro Takada, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular dynamics study on transmission mechanism of torsional deformation in cellulose nanofibers with hierarchical structure", The 9th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM2018), abstract, pp.P2-64. (2018/10/28-11/2, Osaka, Japan.presented at 10/31)
  • Yoshihiro Takai, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular dynamics screening for developing compounds of electrolytes with high performance in lithium ion batteries", The 9th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM2018), abstract, pp.P2-63. (Osaka, Japan, Oct 28-Nov.2) (2018/10/28-11/2, Osaka, Japan.presented at 10/31)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Koki Yoshida, Kosuke Oda, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Plastic deformation behavior in nano-sized metallic wires subjected to drawing process: molecular dynamics simulation", The 13th world Congress of Computational Mechanics/2nd Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2018). abstract, pp.89. (2018/7/22-27, NewYork, U.S.A. presnted at 7/24)
  • K.Saitoh, K.Yoshida, K.Oda, T.Sato, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, "Molecular dynamics study on nano-sized wiredrawing: possible atomistic process and application to pearlitic steel wire", 2017 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Applied Composite Materials (MEACM2017), abstract #5-Paper(ID:18), pp.22. (presented at 2017/11/24) (2017/11/23-24, HongKong, China.)
  • Tomohiro SATO, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masayoshi FUJI, Chika Y.TAKAI, Hadi RAZAVI, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Silica Surface as Non-fire Solids", Sustainable Tribology Conference 2017 Amami (STCA2017) / Japan-Taiwan Tribology Symposium 2017 (JTTS2017), (#STCA10), pp.33. (presented at 2017/10/14) (2017/10/13-16, Amami, Kagoshima, Japan)
  • Ken-ichi SAITOH, Tomohiro SATO, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, Koki YOSHIDA, Kazuki YOKOHAMA, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Drawing Process of Metallic Wire: Effect of Nano-sized Texture on Friction and Plasticity", Sustainable Tribology Conference 2017 Amami (STCA2017) / Japan-Taiwan Tribology Symposium 2017 (JTTS2017), (#STCA11), pp.33. (presented at 2017/10/14) (2017/10/13-16, Amami, Kagoshima, Japan)
  • Naomichi OHTA, Ken-ichi SAITOH Kenji NISHIMURA, Tomohiro SATO, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, "Peridynamics Study on Elastic-Plastic Deformation Behavior of SiC during Indentation", Sustainable Tribology Conference 2017 Amami (STCA2017) / Japan-Taiwan Tribology Symposium 2017 (JTTS2017), (#STCA25), pp.40. (presented at 2017/10/14) (2017/10/13-16, Amami, Kagoshima, Japan). [Best Poster Award]
  • Akihiro JINGU, Tomohiro SATO, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, "Improvement on Friction Properties of Sulfide Al Bronze", Sustainable Tribology Conference 2017 Amami (STCA2017) / Japan-Taiwan Tribology Symposium 2017 (JTTS2017), (#STCA19), pp.38. (presented at 2017/10/14) (2017/10/13-16, Amami, Kagoshima, Japan).[Best Poster Award]
  • Shuhei ISHIKAWA, Tomohiro SATO, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, "Fundamental Study on Functionality of Synthetic Sulfide-Evaluation of Metal Sulfides as Solid Lubricant-", Sustainable Tribology Conference 2017 Amami (STCA2017) / Japan-Taiwan Tribology Symposium 2017 (JTTS2017), (#STCA01), pp.32. (presented at 2017/10/14) (2017/10/13-16, Amami, Kagoshima, Japan).[Best Poster Award]
  • K.Saitoh, K.Nishimura, T.Sato, N.Ota, Y.Yamamoto, M.Takuma and Y.Takahashi, "Multiscale Deformation Behavior of SiC Crystal in Indentation Test: Toward Scalable Simulation by Combining MD and Peridynamics", The 4th International Symposium on Molecular Simulations (ISMS2016), (2016) abstract pp.361-362, (presented at 2016/10/24) (2016/10/23-26, Shanghai, China.)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kenji Nishimura, Tomohiro Sato, Takuya Hanashiro, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Temperature-dependent atomistic plasticity in silicon carbide crystal: molecular dynamics model of nanoindentation", 8th Internationa Confernce on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM2016), (2016), abstract pp.220(#P2.47), (presented at 2016/10/11, (2016/10/9-14, Dijon,France).
  • Kohei Kuramitsu, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Plastic Deformation Behavior of Mg Polycrystal", The 10th International Conference On Fracture & Strength of Solids (FEOFS2016), (2016), abstract(PDF) pp.MSI-10. (2016/8/28/-9/1, Tokyo (The SUT, Katsushika))
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tetsuya Imanishi, "Molecular Dynamics Study of Collagen Fibrils: Relation between Mechanical Properties and Molecular Chirality", The 10th International Conference On Fracture & Strength of Solids (FEOFS2016), (2016), abstract pp.PS-5. (2016/8/28/-9/1, Tokyo (The SUT, Katsushika))
  • Takuya Hanashiro, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kenji Nishimura, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Ductile Behavior of SiC during Nanoindentation", International Tribology Conference, Tokyo 2015 (ITC2015), Extended Abstract page.888-889. (16PA-22). (presented by T.Hanashiro). (2015/9/16, Tokyo, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Kengo Otsu, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Cu2S Crystal in Sliding: Atomistic Friction Behavior and Temperature Dependence", International Tribology Conference, Tokyo 2015 (ITC2015), Extended Abstract page.1040-1041. (17P-24) (2015/9/17, Tokyo, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takuya Shirahana, Takayaki Suzuki, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, and Tomohiro Sato, "Mechanical modeling and simulation of collagen fibers and fibrils: microscopic deformation mechanism caused by spiral structure", 6th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2015), Abstract(page.1) (2015/7/17, Auckland, Newzeeland).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, Yoshimasa Hirai, Masanori Takuma, Kengo Otsu, "Atomistic Modeling and Simulation of Mechanical and Sliding Properties of Cu-S and Cu-Fe-S Crystal Systems", The 7th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM 2014), abstracts,F3(Friction, Lubrication and Wear Across the Scale III), PDF. (2014/10/6-10, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.).
  • Yohei Sameshima, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Carbon Diffusion Mechanism of Pearlitic Steel in Wiredrawing", The 3rd International Conference of Molecular Simulation 2013 (ICMS2013), (2013), pp.168 (2P57) (2013/11/18-20, Kobe). (presented by Mr.Sameshima).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yohei Sameshima, Takuya Okada and Hiroaki Itoh, "Atomistic Simulation of Crystal Change and Carbon Diffusion in Nano-sized Wiredrawing of Pearlitic Steel", 3rd International Conference on Materials Modeling (ICMM3), (2013), AbstractBook pp.257 (Abst #115, Atomistic and ab-initio modelling). (2013/9/11, Warsaw, Poland).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Yoshimasa Hirai, Takeshisa Fukui, Takahiro Ejima, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Atomic-modeling and Simulation of Copper Sulfide as Micro Solid Lubricant", 2012 MRS Fall Meeting, Abstract ID:GG10.09, (2012). (2012/11/29, Boston, U.S.A.) (presented by Dr.Sato).
  • M.Takuma, S.Takadono, K. Saitoh, Y.Takahashi and T. Sasaki, "Study on Evaluation of Interlaminar Shear Strength for Deteriorated CFRP Laminate Plate by Environmental Factor with AE Method", The 21st International Acoustic Emission Symposium(IAES21-OKINAWA), (The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection, JSNDI). (2012/11/30, Okinawa, Japan). (presented by Prof.Takuma).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Naoya Hanashiro, Syouhei Koizumi, Satoru Ogita, "Macroscopic particle modeling of elastic and plastic deformation in metals: a multiscale approach based on interatomic potential and crystal structure" The 10th world Congress of Computational Mechanics (WCCM2012), proceedings (abstract book pp.83, abst.#18300), (MiniSymposium Organizer; MS-077 Multiscale Materials Science and Modeling). (2012/7/10, Sao Paulo, Brazil).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Shuhei Daira, Youhei Sameshima, "Nano-scale Modelling and Simulation of Metal Wiredrawing by Using Molecular Dynamics Method", MAPT2012(International Conference on Materials Processing and Technology 2012), Proceedings, pp.211-216. (2012/6/29, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takeshi Dan and Tatsuya Yamaguchi, "Strain Analysis and Visualization in Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanosized Structure and Material", The 2011 World Congress on Advanced in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM'11 plus), The 2011 International Conference on Advances in Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics (AIMM11), abstract, pp.293, (T5A1). (2011/9/20, Seoul, South Korea).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Takeshi Dan, "Atomistic Strain and Behavior of Heavily Deformed Grain Boundaries by Molecular Dynamics Simulation", The 2nd International Conference on Material Modelling (ICMM2), (2011), Proceedings, pp.119. (T05-Nano-to macromechanics (paper No.63)) (2011/9/2, Paris, France).
  • Takeshi Dan and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Microstructural Evolution in Polycrystalline Metal under Severe Plastic Deformation by Strain-Controlled Molecular Dynamics", International Conference on Atomistic Modeling for Mechanics and Multiphysics of Materials (ISAM4), (2011), Extended Abstract, (No.I-2), PDF(USB). (2011/7/22, Komaba,Tokyo, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takeshi Okada and Noboru Shinke, "Hybrid Simulation between Microscopic and Macroscopic Particle Methods: Application to Deformation and Fracture of Solid Material", The fifth international conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, (2010), Abstracts, pp.528. (2010/10/4, Freiburg, Germany).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh , Keigo Sato and Takahisa Sasaki, "Molecular dynamics with strain tensor control for microstructure change in plastic deformation", The Fourth General Meeting of ACCMS-VO (Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science-Virtual Organization), (2010), pp.(Oral-)3. (2010/1/12-14, Sendai-Matsushima, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Keisuke Kubota, "Atomistic Simulation on the Relation between Amorphization and Crystalline Transformation in Ni-Ti Alloys", Asian Pacific Conference for Materials and Mechanics 2009, abstract, (2009), pp.a144. (November 13-16, Yokohama, Japan)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Keisuke Kubota and Tomohiro Sato, "Atomic-level structural change in Ni-Ti alloys under Martensite and Amorphous Transformations", The 1st International Conference on Material Modelling (ICMM1), abstract, (2009), pp.74. (2009/9/15, Dortmund, Germany)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Yoshiaki Yonekawa, "Molecular dynamics study of extraordinary elastic deformation found in gold atomic cluster", Proceedings of the 2009 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatoronics for Information and Precision Equipment (MIPE2009), (2009), pp.263-264. (2009/6/20, Tsukuba, Japan),
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Keisuke Kubota and Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular dynamics study on structural transformation in Ni-based alloys: potential functions, martensite and amorphous transformations", The Third General Meeting of ACCMS-VO (Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science-Virtual Organization), (2009), pp.(Oral-)12. (2009/2/18, Sendai-Matsushima, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Yuuki Ohnishi, "SPH analysis of ECAP process by using grain refinement model", International Symposium on Giant Straining Process for Advanced Materials (GSAM-2008), proceedings, (2008), pp.49. (2008/11/21-24, Fukuoka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Atomistic modeling and simulation of martensitic transformation in Ni-based SMA alloys", Seminar, Division of Engineering, Brown University, Providence. (2008/01/28/2008, Providence, U.S.A.).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Wing Kam Liu, "Atomistic dynamics of martensitic transformation in Ni-Al and Ni-Ti systems: Comparison with low-dimensional simple model", Conference on Computational Physics 2007 (CCP2007), (2007), pp.268. (2007/09/06, ULB, Brussels, Belgium).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Wing Kam Liu, "Nanodynamics of martensitic transformation in SMA alloys: Atomistic simulation toward multiscale analysis", CESD Seminar Daresbury Laboratory, (2007). (2007/09/03, Warrington, U.K.).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Wing Kam Liu and Tomohiro Sato (Kurimoto Co.Ltd.), "Multiscale computational modeling of martensitic transformation in Ni-based shape-memory alloys", CCP5 (Collaborative Computational Project 5) Annual Conference, (2007). (2007/08/30, Cambridge, U.K.).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Wing Kam Liu, "Atomistic modeling of martensitic transformation in Ni-based alloys: Linking to multiscale modeling", United States National Congress on Computational Mechanics 9 (USNCCM9), abstract, (2007), pp.115. (2007/07/25, SanFrancisco, U.S.A.).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "A coarse grain molecular dynamics model of materials interface using SPH and DPD methods", The 3rd International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM2006), proceedings, (2006), pp.518-521, (2006/9/18-22, Freiburg, Germany).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Noboru Shinke, "Atomistic modelling of Ni-Ti alloy on reversible phase transformations: A molecular dynamics study", European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations(ESOMAT2006), Abstracts, (2006), pp.149(MP44), (2006/9/10-15, Bochum, Germany). (presented by T.Sato)
  • Hiroshi Takeshita, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, and Masanori Takuma, "Molecular dynamics study on acoustic emission in carbon nanotube probe and metal surface system", The 18th International Acoustic Emission Symposium (IAES18), Progress in Acoustic Emission XIII (The Japanese Society for NDI), (2006), pp.75-82. (2006/7/25-27, Sagamihara, Japan). (presented by H.Takeshita)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, and Takayuki Kawaguchi, "Molecular dynamics study on diffusion and strengthening mechanisms in polymer nanocomposites", International Symposium on Molecular Simulations (ISMS-2006), abstract, (2006), pp.18. (2006/3/24-25, Kanazawa, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Flexible boundary condition using SPH method for molecular dynamics simulation of materials interface", Micromechanics and Microstructure Evolutions: Modeling Simulation and Experiments, abstracts, (2005), Session 12-A (2005/9/11-16, Madrid, Spain).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Hayato Fukumoto, Masato Tanaka, and Noboru Shinke, "Computational study on fracture mechanism of metal-ceramics interfaces using atomistic simulation and macroscopic particle method", International Anniversary Symposium on Molecular Dynamics Simulations, abstracts, (2005). (2005/8/29-30, Osaka, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study on microscopic mechanism for phase transformation of Ni-Ti alloy", International Anniversary Symposium on Molecular Dynamics Simulations, abstracts, (2005). (2005/8/29-30, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Atomistic fracture mechanism of nano-scale materials interface: Approach of molecular dynamics combined with smoothed particle hydrodynamics", Computational Science Workshop 2005 (CSW2005), -Algorithm and software developments in nano-scale simulations-,(RICS,AIST), (2005), pp.54. (2005/3/22-23, Tsukuba, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yuki Tateoka and Noboru Shinke, "Dynamics simulation of material interface using molecular dynamics and SPH methods", Proceedings of Second International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, (2004), pp.132-134. (2004/10/11-15, LosAngeles, U.S.A.),
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, and Yuki Tateoka, "Combination of molecular dynamics and SPH methods in simulation of Bi-material interface", CCP5(Cooperative Computational Project 5) 2004 Conference (Annual Meeting in 2004) "New Perspective in Modelling and Simulation: Theory and Application" (abstracts), (2004), pp.32. (2004/9/1-4, Sheffield, U.K.),
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Atomistic strength of atomic-cluster-assembled structure", ICMS-CSW2004 (International Conference on Molecular Simulation and Computational Science Workshop), Proceedings, (2004), pp.170-171. (2004/1/13-15, Tsukuba, Japan),
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takuya Uehara and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study on nano structure and shape-memory property of Ni-Ti alloy", IUMRS-ICAM 2003 Symposium D-9, abstracts(2), (2003), pp.262 (D9-10-O10). (2003/10/10-11, Yokohama, Japan),
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Strength of nano-size material generated from copper clusters: Application of interactive molecular dynamics simulation", CCP5(Cooperative Computational Project 5) 2003 Conference (Annual Meeting in 2003), abstract, (2003), pp.35. (2003/9/8-11, Cardiff, U.K.).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke and Syuichi Nagase, "Compatibility among Morphology, Functionality, and strength of copper atomic-cluter-assembled materials: A molecular dynamics study", International Conferences on Computational Mesomechanics (Mesomechanics2003), Proceedings of MESOMECHANICS, (2003), pp.64-71. (2003/8/26-28, Tokyo, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Syuichi Nagase, Hiroshi Kitagawa and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study on morphology and strength of copper atomic-cluster-assembled structure", IUTAM-Symposium on "Mesoscopic Dynamics in Fracture Process and Strength of Materials", Book of Abstracts, (2003), pp.34. (2003/7/6-11, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular dynamics study on interface generated between atomic clusters", The Sixth Asia-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications (AEPA2002) "Key Engineering Materials (Trans Tech Publications)", Vols.233-236, (2003), pp.591-596. (2002/12/2-6, Sydney,Australia).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Nano-level computer experiment by interactive molecular dynamics", The Proceedings of the Japan Korea Computer Graphics Conference 2002, CDROM, (2002). (2002/8/24, Kanazawa, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Takehiko Inaba, "Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics study of heat transfer on metal surface by flowing liquids", Proceedings of the IASTED international conference, Applied Simulation and Modelling(ASM2000)(Editor: M.H.Hamza), (2000), pp.298-303. (2000/07/24-26, Banff, Alberta, Canada)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular dynamics analysis of metal nano-cluster in coalescence process", Workshop on Strength of Materials over Length Scale, abstract, (1999). (1999/07/29, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Atomic-scale mechanism of grain boundary grooving : Dynamic loading and rearrangement", Workshop on "Simulation of Microstructure and Strength of Materials abstract, (1998). (1998/07/20-21,Max-Planck-Institut fuer Metallforschung, Stuttgart, Germany).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Hiroshi Kitagawa, "Molecular dynamics study of surface effects on atomic migration near aluminum grain boundary", The 4th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, Abstract, (1997), pp.543, (1997/9, OVTA, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan).
  • Hiroshi Kitagawa, Akihiro Nakatani, Shigenobu Ogata, Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Excess energy and diffusion mechanism in coincidence grain boundaries", Proceedings of the third Asia-Pacific Symposium on Advances in Engineering Plasticity and its applications(AEPA'96) (ed. by T.Abe and T.Tsuta, Pergamon), (1996), pp.535-540. (1996/08/21-24,Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Yoji Shibutani, and Akihiro Nakatani, "Dynamic rearrangement in atomic structure induced by interaction between grain boundary and vacancy", Dynamic Plasticity and Structural Behaviors, Proceedings of the fifth international symposium on plasticity and its current applications (Plasticity'95) (ed. by S.Tanimura and A.S.Khan, Gordon and Breach Publishers), (1995), pp.309-312. (1995/7/17-21,Sakai, Osaka, Japan).

Publication (joint works)
  • Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato "Study on Evaluation of Wall Thinning in a Structural Member Using Lamb Waves: Mode Separation Using the Mars Method" Science Technology Reports of Kansai University, No.65, (2023), pp.23-34.
  • M.Takuma, T.Sato, K.Saitoh, Y.Takahashi and Y.Hirai, "Study on damage evaluation of bimetal with the lead-free copper alloy (Life evaluation in bending fatigue test with AE method)", Trans. JSME, Vol.88, No.908 (2022), pp.22-00019. []
  • T.Sato, S.Ishikawa, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma and Y.Takahashi, "Evaluation of Sulfides as Solid Lubricant: Lubricity of Compounded Sulfides", Key Engineering Materials, Vol.901, (2021), pp.164-169. []
  • D.Kuribayashi, T.Sato, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma and Y.Takahashi, "Pseudo Generation of Metallographic Images and Verification of Superiority for Discrimination Problems ---Applying Adversarial Generative Networks---", J.Jpn.Soc.Powder Powder Metallurgy, Vol.68, No.8 (2021), pp.317-323. []
  • Tomohiro Sato, Atsuto Kubota, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masayoshi Fuji, Chika Takai, Hadi Sena, Masanori Takuma, and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular Dynamics Study on SiO2 Interfaces of Nonfiring Solids", Journal of Nanomaterials, Vol.2020, (2020), ArticleID:8857101. []
  • Shuhei Ishikawa, Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Fundamental study on functionality of synthetic sulfides: Evaluation of metal sulfides as solid lubricant", Jurnal Tribologi,Vol.20, (2019), pp.26-38. []
  • Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, Hikaru KONDO, Kazuya AIHARA, Masanori TAKUMA, Kenichi SAITOH1, Shigeo ARAI, Shunsuke MUTO, Yuta YAMAMOTO, Kimitaka HIGUCHI and Nobuo TANAKA, "Interfacial fracture strength of micro-scale Si/Cu components with different free-edge shape", Key Engineering Materials, Vol.665, (2016), pp 169-172. []
  • Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saito, Yusuke Nakano, Atsushi Morikami, "Evaluation of generation conditions for phase transformations of Ti-Ni alloy with AE method (Comparison with results of structural analysis by MD method)", Trans.JSME, Vol.81, No.825, (2015), pp.14-00436. []
  • Y. Takahashi, H. Kondo, R. Asano, M. Takuma, K. Saitoh, S. Arai, S. Muto and N. Tanaka, "In situ micro-mechanical testing of grain boundaries combined with environmental TEM", APCFS/SIF-2014 International Congress, (2014/12/9-12, Sydney, Australia). (presented by Prof.Takahashi).
  • Wang, C.E., Tanaka,S., Saito,K., Shimizu,T. and Shingubara,S., , "Fabrication of Ordered Arrays of Anodic Aluminum Oxide Pores with Interpore Distance Smaller than the Pitch of Nano-pits formed by Ion Beam Etching", Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Vol.1, No.1, (2014), pp.1-5.
  • Masanori Takuma,Shigeyoshi Hisada,Kenichi Saitoh,Yoshimasa Takahashi, Yuuki Kobayashi,Akira Kadono,Atushi Murata,Satoshi Iwata and Toshinori Sasaki, "Acoustic Emission Measurement by Fiber Bragg Grating Glued to Cylindrical Sensor Holder", Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.2014, Article ID 274071, (2014), pp.1-12. []
  • Chonge Wang, Yasuharu Ishida, Shukichi Tanaka, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Shimizu and Shoso Shingubara, "Fabrication of an ordered anodic aluminum oxide pore arrays with an interpore distance smaller than the nano-indentation pitch formed by ion beam etching", The 24th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2011), (27P-11-54).
  • Chonge Wang, Yasuharu Ishida, Shukichi Tanaka, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Shimizu and Shoso Shingubara, "Fabrication of an ordered anodic aluminum oxide pore arrays with an interpore distance smaller than the nano-indentation pitch formed by ion beam etching", The 24th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2011), (27P-11-54). (2011/10/27, Kyoto, Japan).
  • Seiji Aoyagi, Masato Suzuki, Tomokazu Takahashi, Tsutomu Tajikawa, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Shoso Shingubara, Yasuhiko Arai, Hiroyuki Tajiri Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, "Micro Accelerometer and Magnetoresistive (MR) Sensor Directly Fabricated on a Ceramic Substrate", Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Systems, MEMS and NEMS InterPack 2011, Draft 52290. (July 6-8, 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA)
  • Keisuke Yamamoto, Takuzo Iwatsubo, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Tomonori Moriuchi, "Simulation of Water Flow in a Coated Nano Pore by a Molecular Dynamics", Advances in Science and Technology, Vol.57, (2008), pp.73-79. (Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland) (doi:10.4028/
  • Shoso Shingubara, Takafumi Yamashita, Hironori Mori, Satoru Maruo, Seiji Aoyagi, Yasuhiko Arai, Sumio Nakahara, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Kennichi Saitoh, "Fabrication of ultra high density magnetic recording media using self-organized porous alumina nanohole array", Science Technology Reports of Kansai University, No.51, (2009), pp.1-7.
  • Shoso Shingubara, Takafumi Yamashita, Hironori Mori, Satoru Maruo, Seiji Aoyagi, Yasuhiko Arai, Sumio Nakahara, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Kennichi Saitoh, "Fabrication of ultra high density magnetic recording media using self-organized porous alumina nanohole array", Science Technology Reports of Kansai University, No.51, (2009), pp.1-7.
  • Takehiko Inaba, Goushi Morita, and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Longitudinal heat transfer enhanced by fluid oscillation in a circular pipe with conductive wall", Heat Transfer Asian Research, Vol.33, No.2, (2004), pp.129-139.
  • Takaya Nakayama, Takehiko Inaba and Ken-ichi Satioh, "Numerical investigation of laminar flow and heat transfer in multiple pipe bends", Trans.JSME,Ser.B, Vol.69, No.688, (2003), pp.2664-2669. (Lang. is Japanese)
  • Takehiko Inaba, Goushi Morita and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Longitudinal heat transfer enhanced by fluid oscillation in a circular pipe with conductive wall", Trans.JSME,Ser.B, Vol.68, No.676, (2002), pp.3439-3444. (Lang. is Japanese)
  • Takehiko Inaba, Mikio Tahara and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Longitudinal heat transfer in oscillatory flows in pipe bundles of various cross sections", JSME International Journal, Ser.B, Vol.43, (2000), pp.460-467.
  • Takehiko Inaba, Mikio Tahara and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "The effect of the pipe cross-sectional shape on the longitudinal heat transfer in oscillatory flows in pipe bundles", Trans.JSME,Ser.B, Vol.65, No.636, (1999), pp.2821-2827. (Lang. is Japanese)
  • Shigenobu Ogata, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Yukihiro Maegawa and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Ab-initio analysis of aluminum $\sigma$=5 grain boundaries --- fundamental structures and effects of silicon impurity", Computational Materials Science, Vol.7, (1997), pp.271-278.

Japanese Symposium (Presentation) (all written in Japanese)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Makoto Watanabe, Yuto Miyamoto, "Atomic-level simulation of molecular structure and mechanical properties of spider silk: effects of cyclic loading and water", JSMS the 74th annual meeting, (2025) to be presented. (2025/5/31-6/1, Nihon Univ., Fukushima.)
  • H.Teramoto, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, T.Sato, "Molecular dynamics simulation of nano-sized plate forming: super-elastic shape recovery and dislocation behavior", 2025 Spring Annual Meeting of JSTP (2025), to be presented. (2025/5/14-16, Acrie Himeji, Himeji,Hyogo.).
  • Naoki Maekawa, Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Strain Hardening Behavior of Ultra-fine Wires in Wiredrawing: Development for Multiscale Analysis Using Crystal Plasticity FEM Analysis", CAMP-ISIJ, Vol.39, (2025), to be presented. (2025/3/8-10, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Minami-osawa C. Tokyo. presentation at 3/9)
  • M.Watanabe, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, T.Sato, "Molecular dynamics simulation on mechanical properties of spider silk: Temperature dependence and effect of interaction between water molecules", The 38th Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan (MSSJ-37), (2024), 226P, pp.188. (2024/12/2-4, Acrie Himeji, Himeji,Hyogo.)
  • K.Tada, K.Saitoh, K.Nishimura, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, T.Sato, "First-principles Calculation for Crystalline Defects and Mechanical Properties in SiC Polytype" JSME The 37th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2024), No.24-44 (2024), OS-1910, pp.1-4. (2024/10/18-20, To-ku-net-hall Sendai, Sendai, Poster presentation at 10/19).
  • R.Yamaguchi, K.Saitoh, K.Nishimura, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, T.Sato, "MD simulation of deformation and defect formation in 3C-SiC crystals during ultra-high-speed collision: Comparison between single and polycrystalline fine particle models", JSME The 37th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2024), No.24-44 (2024), OS-1909, pp.1-4. (2024/10/18-20, To-ku-net-hall Sendai, Sendai, Poster presentation at 10/19).
  • N.Maekawa, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, T.Sato, "Strain hardening behavior of ultra-fine wires: Multiscale analysis using crystal plasticity", Vol.24-1, (2024), J012p-05. (2024/9/9-11, Ehime Univ, Matsuyama. presented at 2024/9/11).
  • K.Tada, K.Saitoh, K.Nishimura, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, T.Sato, "Evaluation of physical properties of 4H-SiC containing hetero-atom by first-principles simulation and building machine learning potential", JSME Annual Meeting 2024, Vol.24-1, (2024), J221p-04. (2024/9/9-11, Ehime Univ, Matsuyama. presented at 2024/9/10).
  • H.Teramoto, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, T.Sato, "Plate forming simulation by MD : Temprature dependence of forming limits and defects", JSME Annual Meeting 2024, Vol.24-1, (2024), J221p-06. (2024/9/9-11, Ehime Univ, Matsuyama. presented at 2024/9/10).
  • R.Yamaguchi, K.Saitoh, K.Nishimura, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, T.Sato, "Large-scale MD simulation for initiation and development of microscopic damage in 3C-SiC crystal", Vol.24-1, (2024), S043p-04. (2024/9/9-11, Ehime Univ, Matsuyama. presented at 2024/9/10).
  • M.Watanabe, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, T.Sato, "Molecular dynamics simulation on mechanical properties of spider silk", Vol.24-1, (2024), J025p-01. (2024/9/9-11, Ehime Univ, Matsuyama. presented at 2024/9/9).
  • K.Saitoh, S.Mibu, "Microstructural change of nano-sized Magnesium polycrystal in wiredrawing process: Molecular dynamics study", 2024 Spring Annual Meeting of JSTP (2024), pp.209-210. (2024/5/15-17, National Olympic Meorial Youth Center. presentation at 5/17).
  • K.Saitoh, S.Mibu, "Atomistic Mechanism of Defects Formation and Microstructural Change in Wiredrawing: MD Simulation of Polycrystalline Mg Wire", CAMP-ISIJ, Vol.37, (2024)-165, pp.102. (2024/3/13-15, Tokyo Univ.Sci.Katsushika C. Tokyo. presentation at 3/15)
  • K.Saitoh, M.Watanabe, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Mechanical Properties of Spider Silk", The 37th Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan (MSSJ-37), (2023), P226. (2023/12/4-6, AOSSA Fukui, Fukui. presented (oral) at 12/6.)
  • S.Moriyama, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi, T.Sato, "Investigation of forming limit in nano-sized metallic plate: Theoretical analysis by molecular dynamics", The proceedings of the 74th Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity, (2023), #423, pp.219-220. (2023/11/17-18, Toyama Int.Conf.Center. Toyama. presented at 11/18.)
  • S.Miyake, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Molecular chain entanglement in the hierarchical structure of cellulose nanofibers by All-Atom MD Simulation", JSME The 36th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2023), No.23-24 (2023), #OS-202108, pp.1-4. (2023/10/25-27, Toyohashi Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Toyohashi. Poster presentation at 10/26)).
  • S.Mibu, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Magnesium Polycrystals in Wiredrawing Process: Plastic Deformation and Defects Formation", JSME The 36th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2023), No.23-24 (2023), #OS-202107, pp.1-4. (2023/10/25-27, Toyohashi Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Toyohashi. Poster presentation at 10/26)).
  • M.Watanabe, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Structural Analysis of Spider Silk at the Nano-level by MD Simulations", Materials Symposium "Young Student Presentation", (2023), 1-A, #6, pp.1-2. (2023/10/10-11, Kyoto-Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan. Poster presentation at 10/10.)
  • N.Maekawa, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "FEM simulation of ultra-fine wire Including Consideration of Microstructure Change", Materials Symposium "Young Student Presentation", (2023), 2-A, #52, pp.1-2. (2023/10/10-11, Kyoto-Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan. Poster presentation at 10/11.)
  • K.Tada, K.Saitoh, K.Nishimura, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Mechanical properties of 4H-SiC containing hetero-atom by first-principles simulation", Materials Symposium "Young Student Presentation", (2023), 2-A, #53, pp.1-2. (2023/10/10-11, Kyoto-Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan. Poster presentation at 10/11.)
  • K.Saitoh and S.Moriyama, "Molecular Dynamics Study of Forming Limit in Plastic Processing (for Plate Forming)", The 8th Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2023), P19, pp.1-2. (2023/5/28, Tsukuba International Conference Center, Tsukuba.)
  • K.Saitoh and N.Maekawa, "Numerical Simulations of Mechanical Properties in Drawing Process of Ultra-fine Wires (Development of Continuous Wiredrawing Models by using FEM)", CAMP-ISIJ, Vol.36, (2023)-158, pp.92. (2023/3/8-10,Univ.Tokyo (Komaba), Meguro-ku, Tokyo. presented at 3/10).
  • J.Moriguchi, K.Saitoh, K.Nishimura, T.Sato, M.Takuma and Y.Takahashi, "Study on Application of Machine-Learning Potential to SiC: Reproduction of Dislocation in Molecular Dynamics Simulations" (English tentative title), The 36th Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan (MSSJ36), (2022), 318S (2022/12/5-7, Tokyo Inst.Tech, Tokyo, presented (oral) at 12/7.)
  • S.Moriyama, R.Sato, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, Molecular dynamics forming simulation of nano-sized metallic plate: mechanism of plastic deformation and fracture", The proceedings of the 73rd Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity, (2022), #206, pp.69-70. (2022/11/18-19, To-ku-net-hall Sendai, Sendai., presented at 11/18.)
  • J.Moriguchi, K.Saitoh, K.Nishimura, T.Sato, M.Takuma and Y.Takahashi, "Constructing Machine-learned Interatomic Potentials for SiC:MD Analyses of Dislocation", JSME The 35th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2022), No.22-30 (2022), #10-04, pp.1-4. (2022/11/16-18, Kagoshima & on-line(web) conference (presented at 11/16)).
  • K.Saitoh and S.Mibu, "Microstructure Evolution in Nano-sized Wiredrawing Process: Molecular Dynamics Study of Fe and Mg Materials", M & M2022 (Conference of The JSME, Materials and Mechanics Division), (2022), No.22-49, (2022), #OS0611, pp.1-5. (2022/9/26-28, Hirosaki Univ, Aomori, presnted at 9/26.)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Numerical simulation of wiredrawing process--seminar on basic concept---", Wiredrawing Committee, The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, The 88th study meeting, proceedings (secret), (2022), (2022/7/22, on-line(web)). (Keynote speech).
  • S.Mibu, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Wiredrawing for Magnesium: Evaluation of Twinning and Dislocation Structure", The 7th Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium(the 2nd Multiscale Materials Modeling Symposium) (JSMS presents), (2023), P5. (2022/5/29-31, on-line(web) Conference.)
  • S.Moriyama, R.Sato, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Plastic forming of nano-size metal sheets: Molecular dynamics modeling for deformation and fracture analyses", The 7th Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium(the 2nd Multiscale Materials Modeling Symposium) (JSMS presents), (2022), P35. (2022/5/29-31, on-line(web) Conference.)
  • S.Miyake, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Elastic and Inelastic Behavior of Cellulose Nanofibers by All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Model", The 7th Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium(the 2nd Multiscale Materials Modeling Symposium) (JSMS presents), (2022), P41. (2022/5/29-31, on-line(web) Conference.)
  • K.Saitoh and S.Mibu, "Molecular dynamics study of plastic deformation and microstructure evolution in wiredrawing process (Comparison between iron and magnesium wires)" CAMP-ISIJ, Vol.35, (2022)-190, pp.100. (2022/3/15-17,on-line(web) conference. presented at 3/16).
  • X.Li, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Dynamic Recovery and Re-crystallization of Fe-Cr Binary Alloy" (English tentative title), The 35rd Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, (2021), 1102P. (2021/11/29-12/1, Okayama Univ., Okayama. presented (poster).)
  • R.Sato, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Deformation and Fracture of Flexible Laminated Structure in Forming Process" (English tentative title), The proceedings of the 72nd Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity, (2021), #430, pp.190-192. (2021/10/29-30, on-line(web) conference. presented at 10/30.)
  • T.Saito, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "FEM Analysis for Cold Drawing Process of Ultra-fine Wires with High-precision" (English tentative title), The proceedings of the 72nd Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity, (2021), #102, pp.3-4. (2021/10/29-30, on-line(web) conference. presented at 10/29.)
  • K.Uonami, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Effect of Grain Boundary Structure on Yielding and Plastic Deformation of Magnesium Nano-polycrystal: Molecular Dynamics Simulation", JSME The 34th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2021), No.21-36, (2021), #063(PDF), pp.1-4. (2021/9/21-23, on-line(web) conference.)
  • X.Li, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Dislocation Behavior in Fe-Cr Binary Alloys", JSME The 34th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2021), No.21-36, (2021), #096(PDF), pp.1-4. (2021/9/21-23, on-line(web) conference.)
  • J.Moriguchi, K.Saitoh, K.Nishimura, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Constructing Machine-learned Interatomic Potentials for Covalent Bonding Materials and MD Analyses of Dislocation and Surface", JSME The 34th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2021), No.21-36, (2021), #127(PDF), pp.1-4. (2021/9/21-23, on-line(web) conference.)
  • X.Li, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Molecular dynamics study on the influence of solute atoms on plastic deformation and grain refinement in drawn wire materials", 2021 Spring Annual Meeting of JSTP (2021), pp.25-26. (2021/6/3-6/5, on-line(web) conference. presentation at 6/5).
  • R.Sato, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Molding Simulation of Flexible Laminated Structure by Finite Element Method: Multiscale Study on Friction and Materials Properties", The 6th Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2021), P7(PDF). (2021/5/21, on-line(web) conference).
  • J.Moriguchi, K.Saitoh, K.Nishimura, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Construction of SNAP and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Dislocations and Surfaces for Silicon-based Materials", The 6th Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2021), P18(PDF). (2021/5/21, on-line(web) conference).
  • X.Li, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Dynamic Recrystallization of Fe-Cr Binary Alloys under Severe Shear Deformation", The 6th Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2021), P27(PDF). (2021/5/21, on-line(web) conference).
  • K.Saitoh, "Defects Behavior and Processing Limit in Wiredrawing Investigated by Large-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations", CAMP-ISIJ, Vol.34, (2021)-139, pp.#91. (2021/3/17, on-line(web) conference.).
  • Y.Izumi, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Anisotropy in Shear Deformation of Cellulose Nanofibers: A Molecular Dynamics Study" (English tentative title), The 34rd Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, (2020), 231P. (2020/12/15, on-line(web) conference.)
  • X.Li, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma, Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Study on the Effect of Cr on Grain-refinement Strengtening in Drawn Wire Materials" (English tentative title), The 34rd Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, (2020), 201P. (2020/12/15, on-line(web) conference.)
  • R.Terai, K.Saitoh, M.Takuma Y.Takahashi and T.Sato, "Characterization on Micro-scale Structures in Ionic Liquid by Using Molecular Dynamics and Topological Data Analyses" (English tentative title), The 34rd Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, (2020), 131P. (2020/12/15, on-line(web) conference.)
  • Yukihiro Izumi, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Shear Deformation Behavior of Hierachical Structures of Cellulose Nanofiber", The 31th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering, No.20-44, (2020), #1C22, pp.1-4. (2020/12/12-13, on-line(web) conference.presentation at 12/12).
  • Xiang Li, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Grain Refinement and Strengthening in Surface Region of Drawn Wire Materials", CMD2020(JSME Computational Mechanics Division) Square report[A-TS 01-27], (2020), Report No.4-04, pp.1-5.
  • Maui Iwamoto, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, Ryusuke Sato, "Plug Molding Simulation of Multilayer Laminate Film for Press Through Package: Effects of Tool Shape on Film Deformation", JSME CMD2020(Computational Mechanics Division) Square report[A-TS 01-27], (2020), Report No.5-03, pp.1-5.
  • Muzi Sun, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Combined Structure and Strength of Compote between Metal and Polyimide: Evaluation by Molecular Dynamics Method", CMD2020(JSME Computational Mechanics Division) Square report[A-TS 01-27], (2020), Report No.5-05, pp.1-5.
  • Atsuto Kubota, Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masayoshi Fuji, Chika Takai, Hadi Sena, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular Dynamics Method for Surface Reaction of Silica as Non-firing Ceramic Model", JSME CMD2020(Computational Mechanics Division) Square report[A-TS 01-27], (2020), Report No.5-13, pp.1-5.
  • Takumi Saito, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "FE Analysis of Cold Wiredrawing for Extra Fine Wire:Comparison with Experimental Hardness Measurements", JSME 28th Materials and Processing division conference (M&P2020), (2020), #101, pp.1-4. (2020/11/18-20, [Online]presentation date 11/18).
  • Koki Uonami, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Atomistic Mechanism of Deformation in Magnesium Single Crystal Under Different Loading Conditions", JSME 28th Materials and Processing division conference (M&P2020), (2020), #102, pp.1-4. (2020/11/18-20, [Online]presentation date 11/18).
  • Takumi Saito, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Fe Analysis of Cold Wiredrawing for Extra Fine Wire", Materials Symposium "Young Student Presentation", (2020), #RM6-05, pp.1-2. (2020/10/13-14, Kyoto-Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan.[Online]presentation date10/13).
  • Takumi Saito, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "FE Analysis of cold wire drawing for high precision extra fine wire: Deformation behavior from microscopic view", JSME Annual Meeting 2020, Vol.20-1(Data-DL #J03114), (2020), pp.1-4. (2020/9/13-16, Nagoya Univ, Nagoya.[Online]presentation date9/14).
  • Ryosuke Suzuki, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "All-atom MD modeling and simulation of mechanical properties of tropocollagen and its cross-linked structure", JSME Annual Meeting 2020, Vol.20-1(Data-DL #J02109), (2020), pp.1-5. (2020/9/13-16, Nagoya Univ, Nagoya.[Online]presentation date9/14).
  • Yukihiro Izumi, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Mechanical behavior and hierarchical transmission mechanism of cellulose nanofiber by All-Atom molecular dynamics model", JSME Annual Meeting 2020, Vol.20-1(Data-DL #J03132), (2020), pp.1-5. (2020/9/13-16, Nagoya Univ, Nagoya.[Online]presentation date9/15).
  • Maui Iwamoto, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Plug Molding of Multilayer Laminate Film for Press Through Package: Determination of Forming Limit Diagram by FEM Simulation and Experiment", JSME Annual Meeting 2020, Vol.20-1(Data-DL #J01220), (2020), pp.1-4. (2020/9/13-16, Nagoya Univ, Nagoya.[Online]presentation date9/16).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Naoto Hiramatsu, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Interactivity and Visualization of Molecular Dynamics Simulation by Using Virtual Reality", Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference, (The 25th Computational Engineering Conference (JSCES)), Vol.25, (2020-6), F-10-01(CD-ROM), pp.1-4. (2020/6/10-12, Int.Conf.Center.Kita-Kyusyu, Kokura-Kitakyusyu(conference was cancelled.)
  • Takumi Saito, Ken-ichi Saitoh, "FE Analysis of Cold wire drawing for high precision extra fine wire", CAMP-ISIJ, Vol.32 (2019), pp.238. (2020/3/17-19,TIT, Tokyo(conference was canclelled.)
  • Muzi Sun, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Exploration of Strengthening Mechanism Based on Interface Structure between Metal and Resin Polymer", The 95th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (MECHAVOCATION Student Session), No.204-1, (2020), (#P001). (2020/3/11-12, Doshisya Univ., Kyotanabe(conference was cancelled.).
  • Koki Yoshida, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Understanding Plastic Deformation Mechanism of Drawn Wire by using Large-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations", The 33rd Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, (2019), 143P (2019/12/9-11, Nagoya, Japan. 12/9)
  • Kosuke Oda, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Crystal Change and Atomic Strain in Plastic Deformation of Wiredrawn Pearlite", "Understanding Plastic Deformation Mechanism of Drawn Wire by using Large-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations", The 33rd Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, (2019), 224P (2019/12/9-11, Nagoya, Japan. 12/9)
  • Yusuke Terai, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Investigation of Ionic Diffusion in LIB Electorolyte by Using Molecular Dynamics and TDA(Topological Data Analysis)", The 33rd Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, (2019), 230P (2019/12/9-11, Nagoya, Japan. 12/9)
  • Yusuke Imamura, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kenji Nishimura, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Crystalline Defects in 3C- or 4H-SiC Material", The 33rd Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, (2019), 232P (2019/12/9-11, Nagoya, Japan. 12/9)
  • Yusuke Terai, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Microstructural Materials Characterisation by MD Simulation and Topological Data Analyses: Application to LIB Electrolyte Materials", Materials Symposium "Young Student Presentation", (2019), #1044, (2019/10/15-16, Kyoto-Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan.)
  • Muzi Sun, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Strength of Jointed Structure Between Metal and Covering Plastics Resin", Materials Symposium "Young Student Presentation", (2019), #1044, (2019/10/15-16, Kyoto-Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan.)
  • Yusuke Imamura, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kenji Nishimura, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Plastic Deforamtion in SiC Single Crystal", Materials Symposium "Young Student Presentation", (2019), #1044, (2019/10/15-16, Kyoto-Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan.)
  • Maui Iwamoto, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Plug Molding Simulation of Multilayer Laminate Film for Press Through Package", Materials Symposium "Young Student Presentation", (2019), #1044, (2019/10/15-16, Kyoto-Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan.(Absent due to circumustances.))
  • Koki Yoshida, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Sub-micro-sized Molecular Dynamics Analysis for Investigation of Dislocation in Wiredrawing Process", The proceedings of the 70th Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity, (2019), pp.227-228. (2019/10/12-13, Narashino, Chiba, Japan.) (Symposium was canceled due to Typhoon bad conditions.)
  • Kosuke Oda, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Plastic Deformation of Pearlitic Steel in Wiredrawing", The proceedings of the 70th Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity, (2019), pp.229-230. (2019/10/12-13, Narashino, Chiba, Japan.) (Symposium was canceled due to Typhoon bad conditions.)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kazuki Aso, Yusuke Imamura, Kenji Nishimura, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Elastic-Plastic and Fracture Behaviors of SiC material by Peridynamics and MD Simulations", JSME The 32th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2019), No.19-19 (2019),(CD-ROM #256), pp.1-4. (2019/9/16-18, Kawagoe, Saitama, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Naoto Hiramatsu, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Interactive Visualization Technique of Molecular Dynamics Simulation by Using HMD and VR", JSME The 32th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2019), No.19-19 (2019),(CD-ROM #195), pp.1-4. (2019/9/16-18, Kawagoe, Saitama, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Daiki Kuribayashi, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Peridynamics Study on Stress Analysis on Hard Film and Base Material", JSME The 32th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2019), No.19-19 (2019),(CD-ROM #249), pp.1-3. (2019/9/16-18, Kawagoe, Saitama, Japan).
  • Maui Iwamoto, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Plug Molding of Multilayer Laminate Film for Press Through Package: FEM Simulation and Experiment", The 50th Spring Annual Meeting of JSTP (2019), pp.181-182. (2019/6/7-6/9, Doshisya Univ., Kyo-tanabe. 6/8 presented). [Best Encouragement Paper Award 2019/7/5]
  • Koki Yoshida, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato "Large-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Investigating Dislocation Strengthening Mechanism in Wiredrawing Process", Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference, (The 24th Computational Engineering Conference (JSCES)), Vol.24, (2019-5), A-04-02(CD-ROM), pp.1-5. (2018/5/29-31, SonicCity, Saitama. 5/29 presented)
  • Kosuke Oda, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato "Atomic Behavior near Interface of Drawn Pearlite Steel Analyzed by Nano-indentation MD Model", Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference, (The 24th Computational Engineering Conference (JSCES)), Vol.24, (2019-5), A-04-06(CD-ROM), pp.1-4. (2018/5/29-31, SonicCity, Saitama. 5/29 presented)
  • Yusuke IMAMURA, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Kenji NISHIMURA, Tomohiro SATO, Masanori TAKUMA and Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, "Molecular dynamics simulation on processing mechanism of SiC:Temperature dependence of plastic deformation for 3C- and 4H-SiC", The 4rd Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium (The 24th Molecular Dynamics Symposium) (JSMS presents), (2019), USB-data, P31. (2019/5/24 Muroran Inst.Tech., Muroran)
  • Yusuke TERAI, Ken-ichi SAITOH Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI and Tomohiro SATO, "Molecular Solvation Structure in LIB Electrolyte by MD Calculation and Hierarchical Clustering Method", The 4rd Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium (The 24th Molecular Dynamics Symposium) (JSMS presents), (2019), USB-data, P32. (2019/5/24 Muroran Inst.Tech., Muroran)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Microscopic Behavior in Wiredrawing Process of Iron and Steel (Dislocation Analyses in Pearlitic Steel and Pure Iron Models)", CAMP-ISIJ, Vol.32 (2019), pp.238. (2019/3/20-22,Tokyo Denki Univ., Tokyo. presented at 3/22).
  • Yusuke Imamura, Yoshida, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato and Kenji Nishimura, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Processing Mechanism of SiC", The 36th Sentan-Soseikakou Colloquium, JSTP Kansai Wakate-no-kai, (2018/12/7-8, Kyoto Univ., Uji. presented at 12/8)
  • Koki Yoshida, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Investigation on Strengthening Mechanism in Wiredrawing Process by Molecular Dynamics Simulation", The 36th Sentan-Soseikakou Colloquium, JSTP Kansai Wakate-no-kai, (2018/12/7-8, Kyoto Univ., Uji. presented at 12/8)
  • Kosuke Oda, Yoshida, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "MD Simulation Using Nanoindentation Model of Drawn Pearlitic Steel Wire", The 36th Sentan-Soseikakou Colloquium, JSTP Kansai Wakate-no-kai, (2018/12/7-8, Kyoto Univ., Uji. presented at 12/8)
  • Yoshihiro Takai, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Microscopic Mechanism of Electrolyte Molecules and Diffusion of Li+ in Lithium Ion Batteries", The 32nd Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, 239P, (2018), pp.178. (2018/11/28-11/30, AIST Tsukuba, Tsukuba. presented at 11/29)
  • Kentaro Takada, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Mechanical Properties of Cellulose Nanofiber with Hierarchical Structures: A Molecular Dynamics Study", The 32nd Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, 233P, (2018), pp.173. (2018/11/28-11/30, AIST Tsukuba, Tsukuba. presented at 11/29) [Best presentation of student is awarded] News Letter "Ensemble": The Molecular Simulatio Society of Japan, Vol.21,No.1(#85),(2019-1), pp.75.
  • Koki Yoshida, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Strengthening Mechanism by Dislocations in Wiredrawing Process" JSME The 31th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2018), No.18-8 (2018),(CD-ROM #215), pp.1-4. (2018/11/23-25, Tokushima).
  • Kosuke Oda, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Study on Atomistic Mechanism in Interface of Pearlite Phase: Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Wiredrawing and Nano-indentation", JSME The 31th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2018), No.18-8 (2018),(CD-ROM #238), pp.1-3. (2018/11/23-25, Tokushima).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Rei Kawamura, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohir Sato, "Peridynamics Simulation of Elastic-plastic deformation and Fracture in Glass Materials", JSME The 31th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2018), No.18-8 (2018),(CD-ROM #264), pp.1-4. (2018/11/23-25, Tokushima).
  • Kosuke Oda, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi and Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Plastic Deformation of Pearlite: Wiredrawing and Nano-indentation Models", The proceedings of the 69th Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity, (2018), pp.133-134. (2018/10/27-28, Kumamoto, presented at 10/27)
  • Yoshihiro TAKAI, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, Tomohiro SATO, "Molecular dynamics simulation aimed at screening compounds for new LIB electrolytes", JSME Annual Meeting 2018, Vol.18-1(DVD #J0310301), (2018), pp.1-5. (2018/9/10-12, Suita, 9/10) [JSME Fellowship Award winner, 2019/11/8]
  • Kentaro Takada, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular dynamics analysis of cellulose nanofibers for torsional deformation: Elucidation of deformation mechanism associated with hierarchical structure", JSME Annual Meeting 2018, Vol.18-1(DVD #J0450104), (2018), pp.1-5. (2018/9/10-12, Suita, 9/10)
  • Koki Yoshida, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Wiredrawing Mechanism and Lattice Defects Behavior", JSME Annual Meeting 2018, Vol.18-1(DVD #J0450105), (2018), pp.1-5. (2018/9/10-12, Suita, 9/10)
  • Ken-ichi SAITOH, Naomichi OHTA, Kenji NISHIMURA, Tomohiro SATO, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI "Peridynamics and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Silicon Carbide in Elastic-plastic deformation and fracture", Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference, (The 23th Computational Engineering Conference (JSCES)), Vol.23, (2018-6), B-01-03(CD-ROM), pp.1-6. (2018/6/6-8, Nagoya)
  • Koki YOSHIDA, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masanori TAKUMA and Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, Tomohiro SATO, "Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Dislocation Mechanism in Metal Wiredrawing: Relation between Dislocation and Stress Depending on Crystal Orientations", Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference, (The 23th Computational Engineering Conference (JSCES)), Vol.23, (2018-6), B-02-01(CD-ROM), pp.1-5. (2018/6/6-8, Nagoya)
  • Ken-ichi SAITOH, Kosuke ODA, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI and Tomohiro SATO, "Microdynamics of drawn pearlitic steel wire: Investigation on interatomic potentials and interface models in molecular dynamics", The 49th Spring Annual Meeting of JSTP (2018), pp.17-18. (2018/5/31-6/2, Yoyogi, Tokyo).
  • Kentaro TAKADA, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, Tomohiro SATO, "MD Analysis of Cellulose Nanofiber: Deformation Depending on Hierarchical Structure and Twisting Properties", The 3rd Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium (The 23th Molecular Dynamics Symposium) (JSMS presents), (2018), USB-data, P9 (2018/5/25 Kochi Inst.Tech., Kochi)
  • Kosuke ODA, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI and Tomohiro SATO, "Cementite decomposition of drawn pearlite steel wire obtained by MD", The 3rd Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium (The 23th Molecular Dynamics Symposium) (JSMS presents), (2018), USB-data, P7 (2018/5/25 Kochi Inst.Tech., Kochi)
  • Koki YOSHIDA, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, Tomohiro SATO, "Study on Processing Principle for Drawing of Nanowires", The 3rd Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium (The 23th Molecular Dynamics Symposium) (JSMS presents), (2018), USB-data, P6 (2018/5/25 Kochi Inst.Tech., Kochi)
  • Yoshihiro TAKAI, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, Tomohiro SATO, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Predicting Physical Properties of Electrolyte Compounds Used for New Lithium-ion Battery", The 3rd Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium (The 23th Molecular Dynamics Symposium) (JSMS presents), (2018), USB-data, P5 (2018/5/25 Kochi Inst.Tech., Kochi) [BPA awarded]
  • Ken-ichi SAITOH, Koki YOSHIDA, Kazuki YOKOHAMA, Tomohiro SATO, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Wiredrawing of Iron and Steel: Effect of Texture in Die Surface on Friction and Plasticity", The proceedings of the 68th Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity, (2017), pp.15-16. (2017/11/9-12, Phenix Plaza Fukui, Fukui, presented at 11/10)
  • Kentaro TAKADA, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, Tomohiro SATO, "Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Torsional Deformation in Cellulose Nanofiber: Hydrogen Bond and Shape Memory Effect", The 31st Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, 280P, (2017), pp.408-409. (2017/11/29-12/1, Kanazawa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kanazawa, presented at 11/30).
  • Yoshihiro TAKAI, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, Tomohiro SATO, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Microscopic Behavior of Lithium ion in LIB(Lithium Ion Battery) Electrolytes: Degree of Dissociation of Lithium Salt (LiPF6)", The 31st Conference (To-ron-kai) of the Molecular Simulation Society of Japan, 164P, (2017), pp.236-237. (2017/11/29-12/1, Kanazawa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kanazawa, presented at 11/29).
  • Yoshihiro TAKAI, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, Tomohiro SATO, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Electrolytes for High Performance Lithium Ion Battery", JSME The 30th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2017), No.17-4 (2017),(CD-ROM #177), pp.1-3. (2017/9/16-18, Kindai, Higashi-Osaka, presented at 9/17).
  • Kentaro TAKADA, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, Tomohiro SATO, "Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Cellulose Nanofiber: Evaluation of Hydrogen Bonds in Torsional Deformation", JSME The 30th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2017), No.17-4 (2017),(CD-ROM #176), pp.1-3. (2017/9/16-18, Kindai, Higashi-Osaka, presented at 9/17).
  • Naomichi OHTA, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Kenji NISHIMURA, Tomohiro SATO, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI "Peridynamics Modeling of Elastic-Plastic Deformation and Failure Behavior for SiC Indentation Test", JSME The 30th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2017), No.17-4 (2017),(CD-ROM #125), pp.1-3. (2017/9/16-18, Kindai, Higashi-Osaka, presented at 9/18).
  • Tomohiro SATO, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Masayoshi FUJI, Chika Yamashita TAKAI, Hadi RAZAVI, Masanori TAKUMA, Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, "Modelling and analysis of SiO2 for Strengthening Mechanisms of non-firing solids" JSME The 30th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2017), No.17-4 (2017),(CD-ROM #108), pp.1-2. (2017/9/16-18, Kindai, Higashi-Osaka, presented at 9/17).
  • Naomichi Ota, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kenji Nishimura, Yuichi Yamamoto, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Peridynamics Simulation of Indentation Test for SiC Crysta; Collaboration with Molecular Dynamcis" JSME Annual Meeting 2017, Vol.17-1 (CDROM #G0100101), (2017), pp.1-5, (2017/9/3-6, Saitama Univ, Saitama, presented at 9/4)
  • Ken-ichi SAITOH, Koki YOSHIDA, Tomohiro Sato, Takayuki NIKI, Masanori TAKUMA and Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Wiredrawing of Steel: Analysis of Crystalline Defects and Effect of Surface Nano-sized Texturing of the Drawing Die", The 2nd Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium (The 22th Molecular Dynamics Symposium) (JSMS presents), (2017), USB-data, P17 (2017/5/26 Meijo Univ., Nagoya)
  • Ken-ichi SAITOH, Ayato KITATANI, Masanori TAKUMA,Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, Tomohiro SATO, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Atomistic Behavior in Interface of Drawn Pearlitic Steel Wire", The Proceedings of the 2017 Japanese Spring Conference for the Technology of Plasticity, (2017), pp.207-208. (2017/6/8-10 Gifu Jyu-roku-plaza, Gifu. Presented at 6/10)
  • Naomichi OHTA, Ken-ichi SAITOH, Kenji NISHIMURA, Tomohiro SATO, Masanori TAKUMA,Yoshimasa TAKAHASHI, "Dynamic deformation mechanism of SiC indentation test studied by Peridynamcs", The 92th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (MECHAVOCATION Student Session), No.174-1, (2017), (#P075), pp.387. (2017/3/13, Osaka Univ., Suita).
  • Kenji Nishimura, Koji Miyake, Yuichi Yamamoto, Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular dynamics study on the temperature dependence of defect structure in SiC" 3rd Meeting on Advanced Power Semiconductors (JSAP), (2016), P-36. (Tsukuba International Congress Center, 11/8-9 Poster presentation at 11/8)
  • Kohei Kuramitsu, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Plastic Deformation Behavior of Mg Polycrystal: Dislocation Emission and Twinning Mechanism from Grain Boundary", JSME The 29th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2016), No.16-4 (2016),(CD-ROM #260), pp.1-2. (2016/9/23, Nagoya).
  • Takayuki Niki, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Iron and Steel Wiredrawing: Influence of Nano-scale Surface Texturing", JSME The 29th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2016), No.16-4 (2016),(CD-ROM #249), pp.1-2. (2016/9/23,Nagoya).
  • Haruka Koga, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Hydrogen under Microscopic Stress Field of $\alpha$-Fe Crystal and Grain Boundaries", JSME The 29th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2016), No.16-4 (2016),(CD-ROM #212), pp.1-2. (2016/9/23,Nagoya).
  • Akihiro Jingu, Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Improvement of Friction Propertites on Sintered Sulfide Dispersed Bronze under Vacuum Condition---Influence of Sintering Temperature and Tin Content-", JSME Annual Meeting 2016, Vol.16-1,(2016),(S1170404), pp.1-5, (2016/9/14,Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Application and Perspective of Peridynamics in MEMM Laboratory", The 1st meeting of Peridynamics (domestic), (2016). (2016/7/19, CRIEPI(den-cyu-ken), Ohtemachi, Tokyo).
  • Haruka Koga, Ken-ichi Saitoh "Molecular Dynamics Study on Behavior of Hydrogen Diffusion in $\alpha$-Fe crystal: Effect of Residual Stress in Drawin wires", Wiredrawing Committee, The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, The 80th study meeting, proceedings (secret), (2016), (2016/7/1, UEC, Chofu,Tokyo). [Wiredrawing Committee, Presentation award]
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Haruka Koga, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Steel Wiredrawing: Analyses of Residual Stress and Hydrogen Diffusion", The 47th Spring Annual Meeting of JSTP (2016), pp.233-234. (2015/5/22, Kyoto).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kenji Nishimura, Tomohiro Sato, Takuya Hanashiro, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Temperature Dependence in Plastic Deformation Behavior of SiC Crystal: Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Nano-indentation", Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium (The 20th Molecular Dynamics Symposium/The 9th Micromaterial Symposium) (JSMS presents), (2015), USB-data, P22, (2016/5/27 Toyama University, Toyama)
  • Tomohiro Sato, Shuhei Ishikawa, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Evaluation of thermo-electric Properties of Metallic Sulfides: Adopt of First Principle Calculation and Evaluation of Synthesis Sulfides", Multiscale Materials Mechanics Symposium (The 20th Molecular Dynamics Symposium/The 9th Micromaterial Symposium) (JSMS presents), (2015), USB-data, P25, (2016/5/27 Toyama University, Toyama)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Daisuke Sakimoto, Tomoki Makita, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Mechanical Functions of Cellulose Nanofiber Material", Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference, (The 21th Computational Engineering Conference (JSCES)), Vol.21 , (2016-5), F-5-2(CD-ROM). (2016/6/1 Toki-Messe, Niigata)
  • Kenji Nishimura, Koji Miyake, Takuya Hanashiro, Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular Dynamics Study on the Temperature Depencence of the Mechanical Properties of SiC", Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference, (The 21th Computational Engineering Conference (JSCES)), Vol.21 , (2016-5), F-6-3(CD-ROM). (2016/6/1 Toki-Messe, Niigata)
  • Haruka Koga, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, Defomation Behavior of $\alpha$-Fe Crystal under Hdrogen Environmem with Residual Stress: Atomistic Simulation of Bi-Crystal", The 91th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (MECHAVOCATION Student Session), No.164-1, (2016), (#P050), pp.424. (2016/3/11, Neyagawa,Osaka).
  • Takayuki Niki, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, Molecular Dynamcs Simulation of Steel Wiredrawing: Investigation on Friction Model and Nano-tribological Aspect", The 91th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (MECHAVOCATION Student Session), No.164-1, (2016), (#P051), pp.425. (2016/3/11, Neyagawa,Osaka).
  • Kohei Kuramitsu, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, Molecular Dynamics Study on Plastic Defomation Behavior of Mg Polycrystal: Effect of Grain Boundary Structure on Defomation Mechanism", The 91th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (MECHAVOCATION Student Session), No.164-1, (2016), (#P045), pp.419. (2016/3/11, Neyagawa,Osaka).
  • Yuji Kawata, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, "Study on effect of excess Mg on static and fatigue strength properties of A6061-T6", The 91th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (Master Thesis Session), No.164-1, (2016), (#M319), pp.271. (2016/3/11-12, Neyagawa,Osaka).
  • Takuya Wada, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, "Giga-cycle fatigue properties of A6061-T6-based new Al alloy (effect of environment)" The 91th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (Master Thesis Session), No.164-1, (2016), (#M311), pp.263. (2016/3/11-12, Neyagawa,Osaka).
  • Syuzaburo Kita, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, "Static and fatigue strength properties of A6061-T6-based new Al alloys" The 91th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (MECHAVOCATION Student Session), --> No.164-1, (2016), (#P046), pp.420. (2016/3/11-12, Neyagawa,Osaka).
  • Kazuya Aihara, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, "Evaluation of strength against interfacial crack initiation from free-edges in micro-components (effect of free-edge shape)", The 91th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (MECHAVOCATION Student Session), --> No.164-1, (2016), (#P047), pp.421. (2016/3/11-12, Neyagawa,Osaka).
  • Masanori Takuma, Tomohiro Sato, Masaya Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Study on evaluation for mechanical properties of bimetal materials used lead-free copper compound metal - Characteristics of AE signals detected in indentation test -", The 20th Acoustic Emission General Conference, (2015/11/19-20, Nagoya).
  • Yuto Tsuzuki, Naoki Harada, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ich Saitoh, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Study on fatigue damage evaluation of SCPH21 equivalent material with AE method ---Effect of V addition---", The 20th Acoustic Emission General Conference, (2015/11/19-20, Nagoya).
  • Yu Hinohara, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Study on feature extraction of AE signals with Movable Auto Regressive System Method", The 20th Acoustic Emission General Conference, (2015/11/19-20, Nagoya).
  • Daiki Arima, Ken-ichi Saito, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Behavior of plastic deformation and fracture in wiredrawing process by Peridynamics", JSME The 28th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2015), No.15-19, (2015),(CD-ROM #029). (2015/10/10, Yokohama).
  • Takuya Hanashiro, Ken-ichi Saito, Kenji Nishimura, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Temperature Dependence of Dislocation Behavior in SiC crystal", JSME The 28th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2015), No.15-19, (2015),(CD-ROM #114). (2015/10/11, Yokohama).
  • Daisuke Sakimoto, Ken-ichi Saito, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Cellulose Nanofiber: Investigation of Hydrogen Bond Network Providing High Strength", JSME The 28th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2015), No.154-1, (2015), (CD-ROM #P009), pp.427. (2015/10/11, Yokohama).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Characterization of materials and its behavior in wiredrawing by using MD simulation approach", JSME Kansai, H27 Syogiinkai-Dai-1-senmon-bukai, (2015). (2015/9/8, Osaka)
  • Kenji Nishimura, Koji Miyake, Takuya Hanashiro, Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Characterization of Mechanical Properties of SiC Thin Film Using Nanoindentation", Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference, (The 20th Computational Engineering Conference (JSCES)), Vol.20, F-6-3. (2015/6/9 Tsukuba)
  • Ken-ichi Saito, Yohei Sameshima, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, Atomistic Simulation and Modeling of Pearlitic Steel in Wiredrawing Process: Microstructure and Phase Transition The 46th Spring Annual Meeting of JSTP (2015), pp.93-94. (2015/5/31, Yokohama).
  • Ken-ichi Saito, Takuya Shirahana, Takayuki Suzuki, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Fibrillar Collagen Aiming at Evaluation of Mechanical Properties", The 20th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2014), USB-data, P22, (2015/5/22 Yamagata University, Yamagata)
  • Daiki Arima, Ken-ichi Saito, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Applying Peridynamics to Plastic and Fracture Simulation of Wiredrawing", The 90th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (MECHAVOCATION Student Session), No.154-1, (2015), (#P010), pp.428. (2015/3/16, Kyoto).
  • Daisuke Sakimoto, Ken-ichi Saito, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Yusuke Hamamoto, "Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Cellulose Nanofiber: Evaluation of Mechanical Properties by Nanoscale Tensile and Peeling Tests", The 90th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (MECHAVOCATION Student Session), No.154-1, (2015), (#P009), pp.427. (2015/3/16, Kyoto).
  • Takuya Hanashiro, Ken-ichi Saito, Kenji Nishimura, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Deformation Behavior of Silicon Carbide Thin Film by Nanoindentation: Molecular Dynamics Study on Internal Structure of Crystalline Defects", The 90th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (MECHAVOCATION Student Session), No.154-1, (2015), (#P009), pp.427. (2015/3/16, Kyoto).
  • Yoshinori Asagoe, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "AE Wave Analysis of Twinning Deformation in Deformation Process of Mg Alloyo", The 90th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (MECHAVOCATION Student Session), No.154-1, (2015), (#P013), pp.431. (2015/3/16, Kyoto).
  • Hikaru Kondo, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh, "In situ Fracture Experiment of a Single Grain Boundary Using an Environmental TEM", The 90th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting (Master Thesis Session), No.154-1, (2015), (#M303), pp.297. (2015/3/16, Kyoto).
  • Takuya Shirahana, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Mechanical response of collagen molecules by molecular dynamics method : Effects of microscopic spiral on tensile or compressive deformation" JSME The 27th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2014), No.14-14, (2014),(CD-ROM #2131). (2014/11/22-24, Morioka).
  • Yohei Sameshima, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Nano-Scale Aspects of Wiredrawing by Molecular Dynamics Method: Atomic Analysis of Microscale Interface in Pearlitic Steel", JSME The 27th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2014), No.14-14, (2014),(CD-ROM #2129). (2014/11/22-24, Morioka).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kengo Otsu, Tomohiro Sato, Yoshimasa Hirai, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular dynamics simulation on temperature-dependent mechanism of copper sulfide crystal (Cu2S) used for sliding material", M & M2014 (Conference of The JSME, Materials and Mechanics Division), (2014), OS0207, PDF. (2014/7/20-22 Fukushima).
  • Masanori Takuma, Shigeru Matsuda, Keisuke Osumi, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Yoshinori Asagoe, Naoto Nakanishi, "Study on Evaluation of Damage of Magnesium Alloy with Acoustic Emission ---Influsence of Corrosion and Heat History---", NDI Spring Conference, (2014), pp.83-84. (2014/6/3 Ichigaya,Tokyo)
  • Takuya Hanashiro, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kenji Nishimura, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takanashi, "Atomistic Inelastic Behavior and Brittle-Ductile Transition Mechanism of Silicon Single Crystal", The 19th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2014), USB-data, P19, (2014/5/16 Fukuoka)
  • Daisuke Sakimoto, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takanashi, "Hybrid Model for Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Cellulose Nanofiber Structure", The 19th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2014), USB-data, P21, (2014/5/16 Fukuoka)
  • Daiki Arima, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takanashi, "Material Damage Model in SPH Method for Wiredrawing Process Simulation", The 19th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2014), USB-data, P23,
  • Zhishuang Deng, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takanashi, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Deformation Twinning of Magnesium Crystal: The Effect of Grain Boundaries", The 89th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.144-1, (2014), (#307), pp.(3-)16. (2014/3/19, Sakai-shi, Osaka).
  • Takuya Shirahana,Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takanashi, "Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Collagen Fibril: Evaluation of Structure and Mechanical Properties", The 89th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.144-1, (2014), (#716), pp.(7-)16. (2014/3/19, Sakai-shi, Osaka).
  • Yohei Sameshima, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takanashi, "A Molecular Dynamics Study of Pearlitic Steel in Nano-scale Wiredrawing: Diffusion Mechanism of Carbon Atoms", The 89th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.144-1, (2014), (#108), pp.(1-)8. (2014/3/18, Sakai-shi, Osaka).
  • Kohei Yoshiya, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takanashi, "Solid-solid Phase Transformation Behavior by the Phase-Field-Crystal Simulation: Phase Transformation between Two-dimensional Basic Lattice Structures", JSME The 26th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2013), No.13-3, (2012),(CD-ROM #1610). (2013/11/2, Saga).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yohei Sameshima, Takuya Okada and Syuhei Daira, "Atomistic Modelling for Wiredrawing of Iron-and-Steel Wire: Carbon Diffusion and Deformation Behavior in Cementite Microstructure", The 44th Spring Annual Meeting of JSTP (The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity), (2013), pp.189-190. (2013/6/9, Daido-Univ.,Nagoya).
  • Yohei Sameshima, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, Atomic Level Analysis of Nano-scale Wiredrawing by Molecular Dynamics: Diffusion Mechanism of Carbon Atoms in Pearlite Steel. The 18th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2013), USB-data, P24, (2013/5/17, Ookayama, Tokyo).
  • Hiromi Nakahara, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Solid-state Sintering Process of Metal by Using Phase-Field Method The 18th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2013), USB-data, P23, (2013/5/17, Ookayama, Tokyo).
  • Kohei Yoshiya, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Phase Transformation of Material Structure by the Phase-field-crystal Simulation", The 88th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.134-1, (2013), (#420), pp.(4-)20. (2013/3/17, Asahi-ku, Osaka).
  • Yusuke Umegawa, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Naomichi Furushiro, Daisuke Hirooka and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Carbon Diffusion between Iron and Carbon Bulk Structures", The 88th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.134-1, (2013), (#413), pp.(4-)13. (2013/3/17, Asahi-ku, Osaka).
  • Syo Sakamoto, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Structure and Strength of Cross-Linking Polymer Materials: Simulation of Polyisoprene Rubber with Cross-Link Model", The 88th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.134-1, (2013), (#414), pp.(4-)14. (2013/3/17, Asahi-ku, Osaka).
  • Naoto Yamashita, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Study of Evaluation of Damage of Magnesium Alloy with Acoustic Emission -- Damage Evaluation in Bending Fatigue Testing---", The 88th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.134-1, (2013), (#527), pp.(5-)27. (2013/3/17, Asahi-ku, Osaka).
  • Hitoshi Horiyama, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Yoshimasa Takahashi, "Study of Damage Evaluation of Machine Material with Lamb Wave", The 88th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.134-1, (2013), (#526), pp.(5-)26. (2013/3/17, Asahi-ku, Osaka).
  • Keiichi UEDA, Toshihiro Oda, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Masanori Takuma and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Strength property of creep crack initiation at interface edge", The 88th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.134-1, (2013), (#513), pp.(5-)13. (2013/3/17, Asahi-ku, Osaka).
  • Syuhei Daira, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Yohei Sameshima, "Atomic Level Simulation of Wiredrawing: Phase Transition of Steel Wire and Friction Model", Wiredrawing Committee, The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, The 73th study meeting, proceedings (secret), (2013), (2012/11/30, Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Co., Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo). [Wiredrawing Committee(JSTP), Young Researcher's award.]
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Haruhiko Oono and Syunichiro Matsuo, "Atomic-level Simulation Study on Structure and Strength of Cellulose Nanofiber and Nano-fibrils", JSME The 25th Computational Mechanics Conference (CMD2012), No.12-4, (2012),(CD-ROM #1006) pp.501-503. (2012/10/7, Kobe).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Satoru Ogita, "Macro-scale Particle Modeling Based on Interatomic Potential: Reproduction of Behavior in Elastic-Plastic Material", JSME The 25th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.12-4, (2012),(CD-ROM #1410), pp.232-234. (2012/10/7, Kobe).
  • Tatsuya Yamaguchi, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Megumi Yodoya, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Structure and Mechanical Properties of Stacked Self-Assembled Quantum Dots", JSME The 25th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.12-4, (2012),(CD-ROM #1042), pp.474-475. (2012/10/7, Kobe).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Simulation Technology in Materials Science for Wiredrawing: Results and Possibility", The 23rd Sentan-Soseikakou Colloquium, JSTP Kansai Wakate-no-kai, (Invited lecture), (2012/7/2, Amagasaki).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Atomistic Study on Plasticity and Wiredrawing", (invited talk) ISIJ (The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan), The 112nd Bousen-Atsuen-Bukai, (2012/6/8, Itami).
  • Tatsuya Yamaguchi, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Megumi Yodoya, "Molecular dynamics study on mechanical properties of self-assembled quantum dots", The 17th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2012), USB-data, P11. (2012/6/5, Komaba, Tokyo).
  • Takahiro Ejima, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Tomohiro Sato and Yoshimasa Hirai, "Molecular dynamics study on crystalline structure and sliding mechanism of copper sulfide(Cu2S)" The 17th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2012), USB-data, P35, (2012/6/5, Komaba, Tokyo).
  • Naoya Hanashiro, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke and Syohei Koizumi, "Macro-scale Particle Modeling Based on Interatomic Potential: Construction of Interparticle Potential and Introduction of Plasticity model", The 87th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.124-1, (2012), (#405), pp.(4-)5. (2012/3/16, Suita,Osaka).
  • Takeshi Dan and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Microstructural Evolution of Metallic Material under Severe Plastic Deformation ---Analysis by Strain-Controlled Molecular Dynamics Method--- ", The 87th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.124-1, (2012), (#406), pp.(4-)6. (2012/3/16, Suita,Osaka).
  • Tatsuya Yamaguchi, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Megumi Yodoya, "Molecular dynamics study on strength estimate and the structure generation of self-assembled quantum dot", The 87th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.124-1, (2012), (#407), pp.(4-)7. (2012/3/16, Suita,Osaka).
  • Shuhei Daira and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Simulation of Nano-wire drawing by Molecular Dynamics Method: Construction of Fricition Model", The 87th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.124-1, (2012), (#408), pp.(4-)8. (2012/3/16, Suita,Osaka).
  • Syunichiro Matsuo, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Haruhiko OHNO, "Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Cellulose Nanofiber and Fibrils and Analysis of Mechanical Properties", The 87th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.124-1, (2012), (#409), pp.(4-)9. (2012/3/16, Suita,Osaka).
  • Kazuto Akagi, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Conservation of Angular Momentum in Solid Materials Analysis by SPH Method ---Rotational Revision by Euler Equation of Motion---", The 87th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.124-1, (2012), (#410), pp.(4-)10. (2012/3/16, Suita,Osaka).
  • Tatsuya Kawase and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Grain Boundary Structure and Strength Analysis of Nanosized-polycrystalline Diamond by Molecular Dynamics Method", The 87th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.124-1, (2012), (#411), pp.(4-)11. (2012/3/16, Suita,Osaka).
  • Takahiro Ejima, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Tomohiro Sato and Yoshimasa Hirai, "Molecular Dynamics Analysis on Sliding Characteristic of Copper Sulfide (Cu2S)", The 87th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.124-1, (2012), (#412), pp.(4-)12. (2012/3/16, Suita,Osaka).
  • Shinichi Sayama, Noboru Shinke, Masanori Takuma, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato and Yoshimasa Hirai, "Study on Damage Evaluation of Bimetal Using Lead-free Bronze", The 87th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.124-1, (2012), (#928), pp.(9-)28. (2012/3/16, Suita,Osaka).
  • Tatsuya Yamaguchi, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Mechanical Properties of Self-organized Quantum Dots: Stress and Strain Analysis of Pyramidal Hut-cluster", The 16th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, (2012), pp.60-65. (2012/1/23-24(1/23), Suita,Osaka).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular dynamics simulation: Basis and application to solid mechanics problems" Project Seminar (Kumamoto University, Lecture on graduate class) and The 276th "Zairyo-Kagaku Danwakai (JIM, ISIJ-Kyusyu), (2011/11/29, Kumamoto).
  • Naoya Hanashiro, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke and Syohei Koizumi, "Macro-scale Particle Modeling Based on Interatomic Potential: Construction of Interparticle Potential and Evaluation of Elastic Deformation", JSME The 24th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.11-3, (2011),(CD-ROM #516), pp.134-136. (2011/10/9, Okayama).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Atomistic Study on Plasticity and Wiredrawing", (invited talk) Committee of wire drawing, The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, The 70th study meeting, proceedings (secret), (2011), (2011/6/24, Nippon Steel Co.,Tokyo).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Microscopic Numerical Simulation of Microstructural Change of Material under Wiredrawing Processes: Change in Crystalline Orietation and Strucuture during drawing", The 42th Spring Annual Meeting of JSTP (The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity), (2011), pp.159-160. (2011/5/29, Tokyo, Japan).
  • Syunichiro Matsuo and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Structure, Motion, and Mechanical Properties of Cellulose Nanofibers", The 1st Multiscale Material Symposium (The 16th Molecular Dynamics Symposium, JSMS presents), (2011), P10. (2011/5/23, Osaka, Japan).
  • Naoya Hanashiro, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Syouhei Koizumi, Noboru Shinke, Simulation of Material Behavior Using Macroscale Particle Modeling: Study of the Strength of Materials and Heat Transfer", The 1st Multiscale Material Symposium (The 16th Molecular Dynamics Symposium, JSMS presents), (2011), P23. (2011/5/23, Osaka, Japan).
  • Atsushi Morikami, Noboru Shinke, Masanori Takuma and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "study on Evaluation of Shape Memory Degradation of SMA with AE Method --- Comparison with Results of Structural Analsys by MD Method---", The 86th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.114-1, (2011), (#620), pp.(6-)20. (2011/3/19-20(3/20), Kyoto, Japan).
  • Syunichiro Matsuo and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Molecular Structure and Strength of Cellulose Nanofiber", The 86th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.114-1, (2011), (#816), pp.(8-)16. (2011/3/19-20(3/20), Kyoto, Japan).
  • Naoya Hanashiro, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke and Syouhei Koizumi, "Simulation of Material Behavior on Macroscale Particle Modeling: COnstruction of Interparticle Potential and Expression of Temperature", The 86th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.114-1, (2011), (#815), pp.(8-)15. (2011/3/19-20(3/20), Kyoto, Japan).
  • Kazuto Akagi, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Numerical Modeling of Rotating Materials by SPH Method --- A Revision of SPH Method with Torque Scaling---", The 86th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.114-1, (2011), (#1207), pp.(12-)6. (2011/3/19-20(3/19), Kyoto, Japan).
  • Takeshi Dan and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Microstructrual Change of Material under Giant Strain Condition in Severe Plastic Deformation Studied by Strain-controlled Molecular Dynamics Method", The 86th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.114-1, (2011), (#627), pp.(6-)27. (2011/3/19-20(3/20), Kyoto, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kazuto Akagi, Takeshi Okada, "Collaborative Study between Molecular Dynamics and Macroscopic Particle Methods in Compuational Solid Mechanics", The 15th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, Proceedings, (2011), pp.55-60. (2011/1/13-14(1/13), Osaka, Japan).
  • Tatsuya Yamaguchi, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Strain Relaxation during Generation of Self-assembled Quantum Dot", The 15th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, Proceedings, (2011), pp.193-198. (2011/1/13-14(1/14), Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Hirokazu Shibata and Noboru Shinke, "Analysis of Structural Stability of Biopolymer by Dissipated Particle Dynamics", JSME The 23th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.10-2, (2010), (CD-ROM #1011), pp.572-574. (2010/9/23-25(9/24), kitami, Japan).
  • Kazuto Aakagi, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Modeling of the Materials Behavior with Rotation Motion by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Method", JSME The 23th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.10-2, (2010), (CD-ROM #510), pp.76-77. (2010/9/23-25(9/23), kitami, Japan).
  • Takanobu Matsuki, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Tomohiro Takaki (KIT), "Analysis of Interaction between Variants in Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy by Multi-phase-field Method", JSME The 22th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.10-2, (2010), (CD-ROM #911), pp.111-112. (2010/9/23-25(9/23), kitami, Japan).
  • Kazuto Aakagi, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Modeling of the Materials Behavior with Rotationi Motion by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Method", The 15th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2010), (#P24), pp.76-77. (2010/5/21, Sapporo, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Nobuyuki Kakitsuba and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Microstructure Change and Stress State in Wiredrawing", The 41th Spring Annual Meeting of JSTP (The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity), (2010), pp.175-176 (2010/5/28-30,Tokyo,Japan).
  • Takanobu Matsuki and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Phase-field Simulation of Martensitic Transformation in Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloys ---Analysis and Visualization of Variatn Formation ---", The 85th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.104-1, (2010), pp.(2-)16. (2010/3/17, Osaka,Japan).
  • Yoshiaki Yonekawa, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Shintaro Yamada and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics simulation of deformation mechanism and mechanical properties in Au cluster", The 14th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, Proceedings, (2010), pp.245-250. (2010/1/29, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yoshiaki Yonekawa and Takanobu Yonekawa, "Nano-scale Prediction of Materials' Properties by Computational Mechanics", The 14th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, Proceedings, (2010), pp.35-40. (2010/1/28, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Nobuyuki Kakitsuba, Satoshi Yano, Akikazu Nakagiri and Noboru Shinke, "Nanoscale mechanics of defects and stress in wiredrawing process", JSME The 22th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.09-21, (2009), (CD-ROM), pp.286-287. (2009/10/10-12, kanazawa, Japan).
  • Yoshiaki Yonekawa and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular dynamics analysis of anomalous deformation mechanism in Au cluster", JSME The 22th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.09-21, (2009), (CD-ROM), pp.282-283. (2009/10/10-12, kanazawa, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kosuke Kuse, Akikazu Nakagiri, Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics modeling of defects and the behavior in wiredrawing processing", The 84th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.094-1, (2009), pp.(3-)19. (2009/3/17,Osaka,Japan)
  • Yoshiaki Yonekawa, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study on extraordinary deformation of Au cluster", The 84th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.094-1, (2009), pp.(3-)8. (2009/3/16,Osaka)
  • Yusuke Nakano, Noboru Shinke, Masanori Takuma and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Study on shape memory degradation by behavior of stress induced martensitic transformation --- application of AE method and molecular dynamics method ---", The 84th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.094-1, (2009), pp.(2-)15. (2009/3/17,Osaka)
  • Kenta Seto, Naomichi Furushiro, Masahiro Higuchi, Tomomi Yamaguchi and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Analysis of strength of single crystal diamond cutting tool by molecular dynamics method", "Seimitsu-kougakukai Kouenkai (Spring, 2009)", (2009), pp.337-338. (2009/3/12,Tokyo)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kosuke Kuse, Keigo Sato and Keisuke Kubota, "Molecular dynamics study on nano-scale structural change in processing of materials", The 13th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, Proceedings, (2009), pp.73-78. (2009/1/16, Osaka, Japan).
  • Yoshiaki Yonekawa, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takuya Sumi and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics simulation of inelastic deformation in gold atomic cluster-assembled structures", The 13th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, Proceedings, (2009), pp.207-212. (2009/1/15, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Research and education of united states: A report on one-year visit in Northwestern university", Committee of wire drawing, The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, The 66th study meeting, proceedings (secret), (2008), (2008/11/21,Sumitomo Metal.,Tokyo).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Research review on wire drawing and pipe drawing: the first half of 2008", Committee of wire drawing, The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, The 66th study meeting, proceedings (secret), (2008), (2008/11/21,Sumitomo Metal.,Tokyo).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Yuuki Ohnishi, "SPH analysis of severe plastic deformation by using grain refinement model", JSME The 21th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.08-33 (CD-ROM), pp.177-178. (2008/11/1-3, Okinawa, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Wing Kam Liu, "Strain-controlled molecular dynamics analysis of martensitic phase transformation in NiAl alloy", JSME The 21th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.08-33 (CD-ROM), pp.151-152. (2008/11/1-3, Okinawa, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Wing Kam Liu and Dong Qian, "VAC coupling technique between atomic and continuum analysis for superelastic alloy", JSME The 21th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.08-33 (CD-ROM), pp.161-162. (2008/11/1-3, Okinawa, Japan).
  • Keigo Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Akihiro Nakatani, Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study on behavior of symmetric grain boundaries under severe plastic deformation", M&M2008 (Conference of The JSME, Materials and Mechanics Division), (2008), CD-ROM, OS0406, (2008/9/18,Kyoto).
  • Keisuke Kubota, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato and Noboru Shinke, "Atomic-level analysis of amorphization and crystalline transformation in Ni-Ti alloy", Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2008 Japan (JSME), No.1, (2008), pp.11-12. (2008/8/6, Yokohama)
  • Kousuke Sugita, Masahiro Higuchi, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Syoichi Shimada, "Molecular dynamics analysis of crack propagation in diamond" "Seimitsu-kougakukai Kouenkai (Spring,2008)", (2008), pp.1027-1028. (2008/3/17-19,Kanagawa)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Yasuhiko Arai, "Microscopic evaluation of materials' strength and function ---Research group of computational nanotechnology by using high-speed network facilities---", The 12th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, Proceedings, (2008), pp.23-26. (Jan.,2008, Osaka, Japan).
  • Atsushi Furukawa, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yoshiyuki Wada, Noboru Shinke, "AFM study on deformation behavior of Au cluster-assembled structures", The 82th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, (2007), No.074-1, (2007), pp.(8-)26. (2007.3.16-17, Osaka, Japan).
  • Yuuki Ohnishi, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Hayato Fukumoto, and Noboru Shinke "Simulation of severe plastic deformation processing by using SPH method: Stress strain analysis in ECAP processing of aluminum", The 82th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, (2007), No.074-1, (2007), pp.(6-)8. (2007.3.16-17, Osaka, Japan).
  • Tomoya Yoneda, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, and Tomohiro Sato, "Monte Carlo study on phase transformation phenomena in Ni-Ti alloy", The 82th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, (2007), No.074-1, (2007), pp.(6-)12. (2007.3.16-17, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yoshiyuki Wada, Atsushi Furukawa, and Noboru Shinke, "Mechanical properties of gold atomic-cluster-assembled structures studied by atomistic simulation using super-high-speed network", The 11th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, Proceedings, (2007), pp.331-336. (Jan.19,2007, Osaka, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ich Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, Tomoya Yoneda, and Keisuke Kubota, "Microscopic computational mechanics modeling of phase transformation in Ni-Ti alloy", The 11th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, Proceedings,(2007),pp.327-330. (Jan.19,2007, Osaka, Japan).
  • Yuuichi Nagase, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Hiroshi Matsuno, and Noboru Shinke, "Micro- and meso-scopic modeling and simulation of friction in self-assembled monolayers by molecular dynamics and dissipative particle dynamics", The 11th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, Proceedings, (2007), pp.395-400. (Jan.19,2007, Osaka, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, Tomoya Yoneda, "Microscopic computational mechanics modeling of defects and precipitates in Ni-Ti alloy", JSME The 19th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.06-9, pp.373-374. (2006.11.4, Nagoya, Japan).
  • Hayato Fukumoto, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, and Keisuke Nakaji, "Numerical simulation of extrusion for visco-elasticity material by SPH method", JSME The 19th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.06-9, pp.351-352. (2006.11.4, Nagoya, Japan).
  • Masato Tanaka, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, and Keigo Sato, "Atomic configuration and dynamics of interface between silicon carbide and aluminum by using empirical potential", JSME The 19th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.06-9, pp.605-606. (2006.11.5, Nagoya, Japan).
  • Yuichi Nagase, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Noboru Shinke, "Frictional characteristic of self-assembled monolayers studied by dissipative particle dynamics and molecular dynamics", JSME The 19th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.06-9, pp.625-626. (2006.11.5, Nagoya, Japan).
  • Hiroshi Takeshita, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, and Masanori Takuma, "Frequency shift in vibrational motion of carbon nanotube interacting with material surface: Molecular dynamics simulation study", JSME The 19th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.06-9, pp.645-646. (2006.11.5, Nagoya, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Noboru Shinke, "Relations between local deformation and phase transformation by precipitates of Ni-Ti alloy: A molecular dynamics study", Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference, Vol.11, pp.597-600. (The 11th Computational Engineering Conference (JSCES)), (Jun.13,2005, Osaka, Japan).
  • Hayato Fukumoto, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Noboru Shinke, "Numerical modeling of extrusion by SPH method", Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference, Vol.11, pp.49-52. (The 11th Computational Engineering Conference (JSCES)), (Jun.12,2005, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, Takayuki Kawaguchi, and Daisuke Hosomi, "Molecular dynamics modeling for strengthening mechanism of polymer nanocomposites", The 11th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2006), pp.1-5. (2006.5.26, Nagaoka, Japan).
  • Hayato Fukumoto, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, "SPH modeling of the plastic working involving large deformation", The 81th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, (2006), No.064-1, (2006), pp.(2-)16. (2006.3.17, Kyoto, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, Toshiyuki Sasaki, "Effects of interatomic potential on simulation of phase transformation in Ni-Ti alloy", The 81th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, (2006), No.064-1, (2006), pp.(10-)7. (2006.3.17, Kyoto, Japan).
  • Masato Tanaka, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, and Syouhei Hirose, "Molecular dynamics simulation of interaction between interface and defect in metal matrix composite", The 81th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, (2006), No.064-1, (2006), pp.(10-)2. (2006.3.17, Kyoto, Japan).
  • Takayuki Kawaguchi, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Noboru Shinke, "Computational mechanics study on molecular-scale strengthening mechanisms in polymer nanocomposites", The 81th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, (2006), No.064-1, (2006), pp.(10-)6. (2006.3.17, Kyoto, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Yuichi Nagase, "Molecular dynamics simulation of interface friction in nano-scale by using united atom modeling", The 10th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, Proceedings, pp.186-189. (2006.1.17, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takayuki Kawaguchi, Noboru Shinke, and Daisuke Hosomi, "Molecular dynamics simulation of atomistic diffusion and strengthening in nano-composite material", JSME The 18th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.05-2, pp.671-672. (Nov.20,2005, Tsukuba, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, and Akihiro Takahashi, "Effects of defects on phase transformation of Ni-Ti alloy : A molecular dynamics study", JSME The 18th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.05-2, pp.481-482. (Nov.11,2005, Tsukuba, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masato Tanaka, Hayato Fukumoto, and Noboru Shinke, "Fracture mechanism of bi-materials interface: relation between molecular dynamics view and numerical fracture in SPH method", Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2005 Japan (JSME), No.05-1, (1), pp.69-70. (Sep.20,2005, Cyofu, Tokyo, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Hiroshi Takeshita, Noboru Shinke, and Masanori Takuma, "Elastic behavior of carbon nanotube probe for nano-level fracture sensor", Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2005 Japan (JSME), No.05-1, (6), pp.225-226. (Sep.20,2005, Cyofu, Tokyo, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, "Atomistic study on materials interface by SPH-MD combined method", Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference, Vol.10, pp.445-448. (Jun.1,2005, Tokyo, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, Yuki Tateoka, "Strength evaluation of nano-scale materials interface by molecular dynamics method combined with SPH", The 80th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.054-1, (2005), pp.(5-)31-32. (Mar.19,2005, Kyoto, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, Kenji Akiyama, "Observation of martensite transformation path in Ni-Ti alloy by molecular dynamics", The 80th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.054-1, (2005), pp.(5-)11-12. (Mar.18,2005, Kyoto, Japan).
  • Mitsuru Shimizu, Masanori Takuma, Noboru Shinke, Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Basic study of fracture in nano-materials ---Application of MD and AE methods---", The 80th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.054-1, (2005), pp.(5-)35-36. (Mar.19,2005, Kyoto, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, Yuki Tateoka, "Computer simulation study on nano-level deformation and strength of materials interface", The 9th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, Proceedings, pp.279-280. (Jan.18,2005, Osaka, Japan).
  • You Yasuda, Mitsukazu Ochi, Harushige Kusumi, Masahiko Fuyuki, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Keiichi Kitazume, Hironori Yasuhara, Masahiro Dohgaki, "Preparation and practical use of e-learning contents for engineering education --- practice of programing language by exhibition of practice problems and pRoblems with various levels ---", Meeting on Information Processing Education, (2004.11.27, Nagoya, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yuki Tateoka, Noboru Shinke, Hayato Fukumoto, and Masato Tanaka, "SPH simulation of nano-scale materials interface", JSME The 17th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.04-40 (2004), pp.763-764. (Nov.20,2004, Sendai, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Effect of interatomic potential on dynamical behavior in atomic clusters and atomic-cluster-assembled structures", JSME The 17th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.04-40, (2004), pp.283-284. (Nov.19,2004, Sendai, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics simulation of phase transformation of Ni-Ti alloy", JSME The 17th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.04-40, (2004), pp.177-178. (Nov.18,2004, Sendai, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke and Noritsugu Nishioka, "Nano-scale function by relative motion in materials interface", Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2004 Japan (JSME), No.04-1, (6), (2004), pp.217-218. (Sep.7,2004, Hokkaido, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yuki Tateoka and Noboru Shinke, "SPH and MD approach to evaluation of mechanical properties in materials interfaces", Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2004 Japan (JSME), No.04-1, (1), (2004), pp.429-430. (Sep.5-8,2004, Hokkaido, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study on shape memory mechanism in Ni-Ti alloy", The 9th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2004), pp.41-45. (May 14,2004, Okayama, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yuki Tateoka, Noboru Shinke and Hiroki Maie, "Dynamics simulation of materials interface using molecular dynamics and SPH methods", The 9th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2004), pp.27-32. (May 14,2004, Okayama, Japan).
  • Yuki Tateoka, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke and Hiroki Maie, "Dynamics analysis in a material interface using SPH method", The 79th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.044-1, (2004), pp.(11-)21-22. (Mar.18,2004, Osaka, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics observation on phase transformation from inhomogeneity in Ni-Ti alloy", The 79th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.044-1, (2004), pp.(3-)17-18. (Mar.17,2004, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Syuichi Nagase and Noboru Shinke, "Atomistic strength of atomic-cluster-assembled structures (Fracture phenomena and their dominant factors)", The 79th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.044-1, (2004), pp.(3-)15-16. (Mar.17,2004, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Syuuichi Nagase and Noboru Shinke, "Atomistic simualtion on strength of nano-size material", The 8th ORDIST Symposium, Kansai University, Proceedings, (2004), pp.323-324. (Jan.15,2004, Osaka, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study on local structural changes of nano-single crystal Ni-Ti alloy", JSME The 16th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.03-26, (2003), pp.483-484. (Nov.22,2003, Kobe, Japan).
  • Syuuichi Nagase, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Mechanical properties of bottom-up-type nano-crystalline structures: Molecular dynamics simulation of structures with grain boundary or large element", JSME The 16th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.03-26, (2003), pp.481-482. (Nov.22,2003, Kobe, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Advantage of interactive simulation in molecular dynamics and particle methods", JSME The 16th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.03-26, (2003), pp.9-10. (Nov.22,2003, Kobe, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke and Noriyuki Tsujimura, "Evaluation of stable structure and internal stress of gold nanowire by molecular dynamics", Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2003 Japan (JSME), No.03-1, (VI), (2003), pp.55-56. (Aug.5-8,2003, Tokushima, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study on behavior and interatomic potential of nano-scale Ni-Ti alloy", Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2003 Japan (JSME), No.03-1, (VI), (2003), pp.43-44. (Aug.5-8,2003, Tokushima, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Development of interactive molecular dynamics method for considering structure and strength of nano-size substance", Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan, Vol.23 Suppl.No.1, (2003), pp.323-324.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study of nano-size SiO2 disorganized in high temperature", The 52th JSMS(The Society of Materials Science,Japan) Annual Meeting, (2003), pp.307-308. (May 18,2003, Tokyo, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics modeling for phase transition mechanism of nano-size Ni-Ti alloy", The 8th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2003), pp.52-57. (May 16,2003, Tokyo, Japan).
  • Syuuichi Nagase, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Shinke Noboru, "Molecular dynamics study on strength of novel nano-crystalline structure made from metallic atom clusters", The 8th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), (2003), pp.41-45. (May 16,2003, Tokyo, Japan).
  • Tomohiro Sato, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Molecular dynamics study on deformation behavior of Ni-Ti nano-alloy", The 78th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.034-1, (2003), pp.(7-)13-14. (Mar.22,2003, Osaka, Japan).
  • Syuuichi Nagase, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Shinke Noboru, "Molecular dynamics study on strength and grain motion of nano-crystalline structures" The 78th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.034-1, (2003), pp.(7-)5-6. (Mar.22,2003, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Shintaro Okazaki, Tomohiko Anyo and Noboru Shinke, "Computational study on behavior of atomic clusters by dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) method", The 78th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.034-1, (2003), pp.(7-)19-20. (Mar.22,2003, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Noboru Shinke, "Size dependence of lattice defects behavior in atomic-cluster-assembled structure", The 78th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.034-1, (2003), pp.(7-)21-22. (Mar.22,2003, Osaka, Japan).
  • Kazutoshi Sawada, Yasutaka Yamaguchi, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Takehiko Inaba, "Study on inequilibrium molecular flow in nanospace", The 78th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.034-1, (2003), pp.(7-)1-2. (Mar.22,2003, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Syuuichi Nagase and Shinke Noboru, "Molecular dynamics study on morphology and strength of atomic-cluster-assembled materials", jSME The 15th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.02-2, (2002), pp.179-180. (Nov.3,2002, Kagoshima, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Evaluation of sintered material constructed from metallic nano-clusters by multi-resolution molecular dynamic", JSME Materials and Mechanics Division Conference 2002, No.02-05, (2002), pp.67-68. (Oct.12,2002, Ube, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular dynamics simulation of grain boundaries generated between metallic atom Clusters", The 7th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSMS presents), pp.60-65. (May 22,2002, at Takamatu, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular dynamics study on grain boundaries generated between atomic clusters", The 77th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.024-1, (2002), pp.(7-)39-40.
  • Yoshiyuki Gyouten, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Takehiko Inaba, "Computer simulation of liquid flow in nanospace surrounded and affected by solid wall", The 77th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.024-1, (2002), pp.(7-)29-30.
  • Kazutoshi Sawada, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Takehiko Inaba, "The effect of carbon nanotube's chirality in molecular flow", The 77th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.024-1, (2002), pp.(3-)63-64.
  • Yasuaki Fujii, Ken-ichi Saitoh and Takehiko Inaba, "Molecular dynamics simulation of deformation behavior in ice structure accreting to metal surface", JSME The 14th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.01-10, (2001), pp.423-424.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Seigo Asayama, Takehiko Inaba and Atsushi Takami, "Interactive SPH simulation of fluid phenomena", Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan, Vol.21 Suppl.No.2, (2001), pp.15-18.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Aggregation behavior of metallic nano-cluster: A molecular dynamics study", The 50th JSMS(The Society of Materials Science,Japan) Annual Meeting, (2001), pp.267-268.
  • Kazutoshi Sawada, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Takehiko Inaba, "The analysis of nitrogen fluid through carbon nanotube with molecular dynamics simulation", The 76th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.014-1, (2001), pp.(9-)3-4.
  • Yasuaki Fujii, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Takehiko Inaba, "Molecular dynamics simulation of deformation and fluidization in ice structure being subjected to external force", The 76th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.014-1, (2001), pp.(9-)7-8.
  • Yoshiyuki Gyouten, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Takehiko Inaba, "Computer simulation of liquid flow confined in nanospace: Introduction of DCV-GCMD method", The 76th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.014-1, (2001), pp.(9-)5-6.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masatoshi Tatsumi, and Takehiko Inaba, "Molecular dynamics study of many atomic clusters' system", The 76th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.014-1, (2001), pp.(4-)21-22.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masatoshi Tatsumi, and Takehiko Inaba, "Multi-resolution molecular dynamics study on motion transfer mechanism of metal nano-cluster", JSME The 13th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.00-17, (2000), pp.609-610.
  • Takashi Kamioota, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Takehiko Inaba, "A molecular dynamics study on nucleation, coalescence, and growth processes of metal nano-clusters", JSME The 13th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.00-17, (2000), pp.381-382.
  • Hisashi Namba, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Takehiko Inaba, "Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics process in silica surface under high heat flux", JSME The 13th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.00-17, (2000), pp.615-616.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Yoshiyuki Gyouten, and Takehiko Inaba, "Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics study of nitrogen flow confined in nano space", JSME Fluid Engineering Conference 2000, No.00-14, (2000), pp.205.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masao Komaya, and Takehiko Inaba, "Dynamics of atomic clusters and application of multi-resolution molecular dynamics method", Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2000 Japan, No.00-1, (2000), pp.39-40.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takashi Doi, Masao Komaya, and Takehiko Inaba, "Study on interactive multi-resolution molecular dynamics method", Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan, Vol.20 Suppl.No.1, (2000), pp.43-46.
  • Takashi Kamioota, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Takehiko Inaba, "Molecular-mechanism-based numerical analysis of diffusion and coalescence process in clusters", The 75th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.004-1, (2000), pp.(2-)1-2.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takehiko Inaba, Kyousuke Morita, and Yoshiyuki Gyouten, "Molecular dynamics study of flow near solid wall", The 75th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.004-1, (2000), pp.(2-)7-8.
  • Hisashi Namba, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Takehiko Inaba, "Molecular dynamics analysis of silica surface at high temperature", The 5th Molecular Dynamics Symposium (JSME and JSMS), No.00-4, (2000), pp.45-46.
  • Masao Komaya, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Takehiko Inaba, "Application of multi-resolution molecular dynamics method to coalescence process of clusters", JSME The 12th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.99-5, (1999), pp.27-28.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masao Komaya, and Takehiko Inaba, "Visualization of stress tensors in atomic aggregates", Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan, Vol.19 Suppl.No.2, (1999), pp.219-220.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takehiko Inaba, and Takashi Kaneishi, "A molecular dynamics study of heat transfer enhancement on metal surface by flowing liquids", Mechanical Engineering Congress, 1999 Japan (JSME), (1999), No.99-1, (1999), pp.53-54.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular dynamics on strength and diffusion properties in grain boundary", Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.54,Issue 1,Part2, (1999), pp.110.
  • Takashi Kaneishi, Ken-ichi Saitoh, and Takehiko Inaba, "Cooling of solid surface with liquid nitrogen", The 74th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.994-1, (1999), pp.(12-)51-52.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kyousuke Morita, and Takehiko Inaba, "Behavior of water molecules near solid surface", The 74th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.994-1, (1999), pp.(12-)53-54.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kyousuke Morita, and Takehiko Inaba, "Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics analysis of micro-structure and thermal transport process in water system", The 76th JSME Fall Annual Meeting, No.98-3, (1998), pp.109-110.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takehiko Inaba, and Masao Komaya, "Visualization method of atomic migration and atomic stress near interface", The 75th JSME Spring Annual Meeting, No.98-1, (1998), pp.219-220.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Hiroshi Kitagawa, "Atomic migration and dynamic rearrangement near al grain boundary", Meeting on Mesoscopic Dynamics of Fracture, (1997), Tohoku University.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh and Hiroshi Kitagawa, "Molecular dynamics study on mechanism of grain boundary grooving", The 74th JSME Spring Annual Meeting, No.97-1, (1997), pp.231-232.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Akihiro Nakatani, and Shigenobu Ogata, "Stress relaxation mechanism near grain boundary and surface", JSME The 9th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.96-25, (1996), pp.353-354.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Akihiro Nakatani, and Shigenobu Ogata, "Excess energy and diffusion mechanism in coincidence grain boundaries", The 71th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.964-1, (1996), pp.641-642.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Hiroshi Kitagawa, and Yukihiro Maegawa, "Diffusion of atoms near grain boundary", NCP Symposium (JSME), (1995), pp.55-58.
  • Hiroshi Kitagawa, Akihiro Nakatani, Shigenobu Ogata, and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Atomic diffusion near Al grain boundary: Ab-initio evaluation by effective medium theory", JSME The 8th Computational Mechanics Conference, No.95-4, (1995), pp.481-482.
  • Hiroshi Kitagawa, Yoji Shibutani, Akihiro Nakatani, and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Microscopic deformation accompanying grain boundary diffusion: Atomistic model study", The 72nd JSME Spring Annual Meeting, No.95-1, (1995), pp.160-161.
  • Hiroshi Kitagawa, Yoji Shibutani, Akihiro Nakatani, and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Stress-induced migration mechanism near grain boundary : A molecular dynamics study", Symposium on Strength Evaluation of Materials using Atomic/Molecular Modeling (JSME), No.940-39, (1994), pp.132-137.
  • Hiroshi Kitagawa, Yoji Shibutani, Akihiro Nakatani, and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "A molecular dynamics simulation of self-diffusion in grain boundary structures", The 69th JSME-Kansai Spring Annual Meeting, No.944-1, (1994), pp.242-244.
  • Hiroshi Kitagawa, Yoji Shibutani, Akihiro Nakatani, and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Interaction between grain boundary and lattice defect: A molecular dynamics study", NCP Symposium (JSME), (1993), pp.5-6.
  • Hiroshi Kitagawa, Yoji Shibutani, Akihiro Nakatani, and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "A molecular dynamics study on interaction between grain boundary and lattice defect", JSME Materials and Mechanics Division Conference 1993, No.930-73, (1993), pp.363-364.
  • Hiroshi Kitagawa, Akihiro Nakatani, and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular dynamics simulation on interaction between grain boundary and lattice defect", Meeting Abstracts of MD Summer School 1992 (JSME), (1992), pp.73-78

Institute Reports, Technical Reports, and Others
  • Kazuhiro Tada, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Kenji Nishimura, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, Science and Technology Reports of Kansai University, No.67, (2025-03), (in press).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Wiredrawing Committee, JSTP), "Drawing, Prospects Report 2023", Bulletin of the Japan Socieity for Technologiy of Plasticity(JSTP), Vol.7, No.80, (2024-08), pp.509-513.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Wiredrawing Committee, JSTP), "Drawing, Prospects Report 2022" Bulletin of the Japan Socieity for Technologiy of Plasticity(JSTP), Vol.6, No.68, (2023-08), pp.473-477.
  • K.Saitoh, "Numerical Analysis for Wiredrawing Process: Multi-scale Approach" Bulletin of the Japan Socieity for Technologiy of Plasticity(JSTP), Vol.6, No.65, (2023-05), pp.233-237.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Wiredrawing Committee, JSTP), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), Bulletin of the Japan Socieity for Technologiy of Plasticity(JSTP), Vol.5, No.56, (2022-08), pp.522-526.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Wiredrawing Committee, JSTP), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), Bulletin of the Japan Socieity for Technologiy of Plasticity(JSTP), Vol.4, No.44, (2021-08), pp.532-537.
  • Ryosuke Suzuki, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, "All-atom Molecular Modeling and Dynamics Simulation of Tropocollagen Structures with Cross-linking", Science and Technology Reports of Kansai University, No.63, (2021-03), pp.1-12.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Wiredrawing Committee, JSTP), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), Bulletin of the Japan Socieity for Technologiy of Plasticity(JSTP), Vol.3, No.33, (2020-09), pp.553-557.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Wiredrawing Committee, JSTP), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), Bulletin of the Japan Socieity for Technologiy of Plasticity(JSTP), Vol.2, No.21, (2019-09), pp.579-583.
  • Yoshihiro Takai, Yuusuke Terai, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Li-ion Coordination Structures and Transport Properties in LIB Electrolytes : Influence of Molecular Size", Science and Technology Reports of Kansai University, No.61, (2019), pp.1-10.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Wiredrawing Committee, JSTP), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), Bulletin of the Japan Socieity for Technologiy of Plasticity(JSTP), Vol.1, No.9, (2018-09), pp.644-648.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Research Trend of Numerical Simulation in Bar and Wire Drawings (Mini Special Issue on State of the Art Technologies of Bar and Wire Forming -Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Peripheral Technologies of Bar and Wire forming-", Bulletin of the Japan Socieity for Technologiy of Plasticity(JSTP), Vol.1, No.2, (2018-2), pp.121-126.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Wiredrawing Committee, JSTP), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), J.Jpn.Soc.Technol.Plast., Vol.58, No.680, (2017-09), pp.797-801. (2017 Sep.).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Wiredrawing Committee, JSTP), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), J.Jpn.Soc.Technol.Plast., Vol.57, No.667, (2016), pp.774-778. (2016 Aug.)
  • Haruka Koga, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato, "Mechanical Properties of $\alpha$-Fe Crystals Including Hydrogen: Nano-scale Analysis Using MonteCarlo and Molecular Dynamics Methods", Science and Technology Reports of Kansai University, No.58, (2016), pp.15-23. (2016 Mar.)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Wiredrawing Committee, JSTP), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), J.Jpn.Soc.Technol.Plast., Vol.56, No.655, (2015), pp.675-679. (2015 Aug.)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Wiredrawing Committee, JSTP), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), J.Jpn.Soc.Technol.Plast., Vol.55, No.643, (2014), pp.748-752. (2014 Aug.)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Wiredrawing Committee, JSTP), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), J.Jpn.Soc.Technol.Plast., Vol.54, No.631, (2013), pp.729-733. (2013 Aug.)
  • Tatsuya Kawase, Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular Dynamics Study on Nano-Crystalline Diamond Atomic-Scale Characterization of Grain Boundary Structure", Science and Technology Reports of Kansai University, No.55, (2013), pp.918.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Committee on Wiredrawing, JSTP), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), J.Jpn.Soc.Technol.Plast., Vol.53, No.619, (2012), pp.738-742. (2012 Aug.)
  • Takahiro Ejima, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Noboru Shinke, Takuma Masanori, Tomohiro Sato and Yoshimasa Hirai, "Atomic-level analysis of copper sulfide (Cu2S): Crystalline structure and sliding characteristics", Science and Technology Reports of Kansai University, No.54, (2012), pp.23-33.
  • Seiji Aoyagi, Masato Suzuki, Tomokazu Takahashi, Tsutomu Tajikawa, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Shoso Shingubara, Yasuhiko Arai, Hiroyuki Tajiri, Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, "Micro-accelerometer and magnetoresistive (MR) sensor directly fabricated on a ceramic substrate", Science and Technology Reports of Kansai University, No.54, (2012), pp.7-22.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Committee on Wiredrawing, JSTP), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), J.Jpn.Soc.Technol.Plast., Vol.52, No.607, (2011), pp.916-920. (2011 Aug.)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (representative author: Committee on Wiredrawing, JSTP), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), J.Jpn.Soc.Technol.Plast., Vol.51, No.595, (2010), pp.801-805.
  • Shoso Shingubara, Suguru Yamanishi, Yuichi Shiotani, Seiji Aoyagi, Norio Tagawa, Sumio Nakahara, Ken-ichi Saitoh, Susumu Tamura, and Tomomi Yamaguchi, "Enormous Resistance Switching Phenomena Observed in Nickel-aluminum-oxide Nanocomosite", Science and Technology Reports of Kansai University, No.52, (2010), pp.1-9.
  • Shoso Shingubara, Takafumi Yamashita, Hironori Mori, Satoru Maruo, Seiji Aoyagi, Yasuhiko Arai, Sumio Nakahara, Tomomi Yamaguchi and Ken-ichi Saitoh, Fabrication of Ultra High Density Magnetic Recording Media Using Self-Organized Porous Alumina Nanohole Array", Science and Technology Reports of Kansai University, No.51, (2009), pp.1-7.
  • Takanobu Matsuki and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Phase-Field Simulation of Martensitic Transformation in Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloys", Science Technology Reports of Kansai University, No.52, (2010), pp.11-19.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh (Committee of Wire Drawing), "Drawing (Annual Review)", (in Special Issue on Annual Review of Research Activities), Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity (Journal of the JSTP), Vol.50, No.583, (2009), pp.769-773.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Abroad study at Northwestern university: Travel essay in Chicago and Evanston, U.S.A.", Rikougakukai Kaishi (Kansai University), No.120, (2008), pp.3-10.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Tomohiro Sato, and Noboru Shinke, "Microscopic behavior and dEvelopment of shape-memory materials (Advanced study by computer simulations)", Kougaku to Gijyutsu (Trans. of Kougakukai, Kansai University), Vol.13, No.3, (2005), pp.43-48.
  • Ken-ichi and Noboru Shinke, "Microscopic evaluation of materials strength and functions by using molecular dnamics method", Innovative Technology World (ORDIST, Kansai University), No.116, (2003), pp.3-8.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Derivation of physical quantities", School of Molecular Dynamics (MD) 2003 (presented by JSMS), Textbook, (2003), pp.(1-3-)1-18. (in Japanese.)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Visualization techniques", School of Molecular Dynamics (MD) 2003 (presented by JSMS), Textbook, (2003), pp.(3-2A-)1-16. (in Japanese.)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Application of MicroAVS in research of molecular dynamics", Viz Journal, Vol.6, (2003), K.G.T.Inc. (On-line Journal) (2003.5.16)(URL
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Derivation of physical quantities", Winter School of Molecular Dynamics 2002 (presented by JSMS), Textbook, (2002), pp.(1-3-)1-18. (in Japanese.)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Visualization techniques", Winter School of Molecular Dynamics 2002 (presented by JSMS), Textbook, (2002), pp.(3-2A-)1-35. (in Japanese.)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Let's use SX5 in our own way", Bulletin of Cyber Media Center Osaka University year2002, No.2, (2002), pp.95-97. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Future of numerical mechanical simulation"(essay), The News of Engineering, Osaka University, Vol.14, (2001), pp.1, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Univeristy.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Visualization techniques", Winter School of Molecular Dynamics 2001 (presented by JSMS), Textbook, (2001), pp.(3-1-)1-35. (in Japanese.)
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takashi Doi, Masao Komaya, and Takehiko Inaba, "Interactive molecular dynamics of coalescence process in nano-clusters using super-computer (SX4 monitor report)", Bulletin of Cyber Media Center Osaka University year2001, No.1, (2001), pp.57-60. []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takehiko Inaba, and Tan Soon Keong, "An attempt of visual-interactive dynamics computation using super-computer SX4", Bulletin of Computation Center Osaka University, Vol.29, No.1, (1999), pp.138-146. [] []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Usage and perspective of 3-D graphics ability in super-computer SX4", Bulletin of Computation Center Osaka University, Vol.28, No.1, (1998), pp.61-71. [] []
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takashi Doi, Masao Komaya, and Takehiko Inaba, "Interactive molecular dynamics of coalescence process in nano-cluster", The 6th Computer Visualization Contest (Nikkei Science, Japan), (2000), applied (not published).
  • Masao Komaya and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "An attempt on visualizing the stress tensor: Collision and coalescence process of atomic cluster", The 4th Computer Visualization Contest (Nikkei Science, Japan), (1998), applied (not published).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, Keiko Nakatani, and Akihiro Kubota, "Microdynamics of deformation in metal: Atoms reveal the reality", The 1st Computer Visualization Contest (Nikkei Science, Japan), (1995), applied (not published).

Presentation at Research Meetings
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Strength and function of materials based on micro-macro particle simulations", Zairiki-Danwakai, No.221 meeting (subject: The strength of materials in academic viewpoint), (Zai-Dan No.06-9), (2006.7.13. Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Development of microscopic-level simulations in materials engineering", JSME-Kansai Studentship Regular Meeting, (2006.2.11. Kansai University, Osaka, Japan).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "MicroAVS visualization in molecular dynamics", Seminar on MicroAVS for educational application (KGT Co.Ltd.), (Nov.14,2003, KGT Co.Ltd., Tokyo).
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Visualization and interactive simulation in molecular dynamics", 14th Kanazawa Computer Graphics Colloquim (KAC2), (Nov.14,2003, Kanzawa University.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular dynamics analysis of metal nano-cluster in coalescence process", Group Meeting (in The Society of Powder Technology, Japan), (2000), Osaka Prefecture University.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Study on interactive multi-resolution molecular dynamics method (as presented as meet about visualization technique)", 1st Meeting of The 49th Molecular Dynamics Commitee in JSMS (The Society of Materials Science, Japan), (2000), Hokkaido University.
  • Ken-ichi Saitoh, "MD simulation on transition of atomic structure near surface", The 1st AVS User Group Meeting in Kyushu, (1998), Kyushu University.
  • Hiroshi Kitagawa and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Interaction between grain boundary and lattice defect", Group Meeting of JSME Computational Mechanics Division (P-SC211), MDS-10, (1993), Osaka.
  • Hiroshi Kitagawa and Ken-ichi Saitoh, "Molecular dynamics simulation on interaction between grain boundary and lattice defect", The 109th GCM(Generalized Continuum Mechanics) Commitee, 109-1, (1992), Ritsumeikan University.

Activity at Academic Society, etc.
  • The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME)
    • Regular Member (1992-)
    • Member, JSME Kansai branch, Excutive member (2015-2016)
    • Member, JSME Materials and Mechanics Division (1997-), Exective member(2015-2016)
    • Member, JSME Computational Mechanics Division (1997-)
    • Member, JSME Materials and Processing Division (2002-)
    • Member, JSME Fluid Engineering Division (1997-2001)
  • The Society of Materials Science, Japan (JSMS)
    • Board member(director)(2024-)
    • Chairperson, Molecular Dynamics Committee (2011-2013)
    • Executive Secretary, Molecular Dynamics Committee
    • Member, Molecular Dynamics Committee
    • Member, Editorinal Committee
    • Referee, "Journal of The Society of Materials Science, Japan".
    • Regular Member
  • The Visualization Society of Japan (VSJ) withdrawn
    • Regular Member
  • The Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science (JSCES)
    • Regular Member
  • The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
    • Regular Member
  • The Japan Institute of Metals (JIM)
    • Regular Member
  • The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ)
    • Regular Member
  • Society for Nano Science and Technology () withdrawn 2015
    • Regular Member
  • MRS-J (Materials Research Society, Japan) withdrawn 2013
    • Regular Member
  • CCP5(Collaborative Computational Project No.5, U.K.)
    • List Member
  • The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity(JSTP)
    • Regular Member
    • Member, Committee of Wire Drawing
    • Kansai branch, Board Member, General secretary(2024-)
    • Information Committee Member, Committee of Wire Drawing
    • Chairman of Information Committee, Committee member of Wire Drawing
  • "Zairiki Danwakai(Zairyo-rikigaku Danwakai)" (A Meeting on Strength of Materials) (finished by 2011..)
    • Member

Collaborative Research (with Corporation etc.)
  • (Consulting of Research), Now Anonymous (Plastic Working Industry). (Apr.2022-).
  • (Collaborative Research), Now Anonymous (Plastic Working Industry). (Apr.2019-).
  • (Collaborative Research), Now Anonymous (Packaging Industry). (Jul.2017-Mar.2019, Oct.2019-Mar.2020).
  • Prediction of Physical Properties and Analysis of Reaction Mechanism in Electrolyte by using Simulation Methods, Collaborative Research, Daikin Industries, Ltd. (Oct.2015-Mar.2019).
  • Research and Development of Lead-free Sliding Parts made of High-functional Solid Lubricants, (Collaborative Research), Kurimoto Co., Ltd. (Sep.2011-2014).
  • Analysis of Deformation Behavior by Wiredrawing MD model (Contract Research), Nippon Steel Corporation, (Apr.2010-Mar.2021).
  • Stress and Strain Analysis of POM(polyformaldehyde) material with Complicated Shape (Test and Analysis), Duskin,Co.Ltd., (Oct.,2003-Feb.2004)

  • MIPE Award 2022(excellent paper) (Aug.30,2022)
  • 1st, The best poster: Winner of Best Poster Contest of conference COMAT 2018 (Nov.14,2018)
  • JSMS Award for Promising Researchers, The Society of Materials Science, Japan(JSMS) (May.15,2004)
  • Best Presentation Award, The Society of Materials Science, Japan(JSMS) (May 26,2003)
